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    December 28, 2023

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28th, 2023 - Christmas week is almost over, time to think about the past year and the year that is almost here. By now the leftovers have been eaten, the trimmings put away, family dynamics dealt with, sort of, life pondered, sort of ………..and what to do to celebrate New Years Eve and will you make any New Years Resolutions….

COMING SOON - Beaches Annual Meeting – date to be announced

CONGRATULATIONS ARE IN ORDER - today newest members to receive the Order of Canada have been released and our very own, Pat Fraser, is one of them....the actual ceremony will not happen right away as they are backlogged due to COVID, but soon.

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 31st, 2023 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.

MISSION CAPSULE: Dhai, a woman in her early forties from Pakistan, has faced hardships throughout her life. She cared for her husband, who was disabled until his death. She later became the sole provider for her family, working as a cook for a local landowner, which allowed her to support her family. Heavy rains in Pakistan in 2022 caused her house to collapse, leaving her family without a home. Through all this Dhai remained hopeful as she explained “if the aid comes, it will be good.” Fortunately, Dhai and her family found solace and assistance through the

PWS&D supported Humanitarian, Early Recovery and Development project, which provided them with essential food aid as well as better resilience to future disasters.


Now that Covid has everyone washing their hands correctly, next week, Turn Signals….

The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The realist adjusts his sails.

Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are

Apparently exercise helps with decision making. It’s true. I went for a run this morning and decided I’m never doing that again.

AND - my idea of a Super Bowl is a toilet that cleans itself.

Have a good week - MB

    December 8, 2023

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8th, 2023 - “You know you are getting old when friends with benefits means having someone who can drive at night”….

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9th, 2023 - 2;30 - Christmas Jazz & Reflection at Beach United

St. Aiden’s all ages Christmas Party 1:00 – 3:00 – stories, music, crafts, fun for all ages.

Christmas Jazz Concert at Beaches Presbyterian – 4:00 – enjoy a warm beverage and some cool jazz. Julian Anderson Bowes, James Hill and Ian Wright. $15:00 at the door.

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 10th, 2023 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Jazz Service.

AND at 3:30 – our annual reading of A Christmas Carol – funds raised to go to Arise Ministry.

MISSION CAPSULE: In northern Ghana people living with disabilities face a range of issues, such as widespread poverty, limited access to livelihood opportunities and health care, and social barriers to full inclusion. Political environmental and economic challenges work together to create those difficult conditions. PWS&D works with the Presbyterian Church of Ghana in a Community Based Rehabilitation program to address these challenges through vocational skills training programs such as soap and pomade making. Ateni Lois, a participant in the soap making class expresses her gratitude, stating “we are so grateful to the program and PWS&D for equipping us with the skills to be able to produce soap and pomade for money. Very soon we will be in good business and will be out of poverty in our respective communities.

DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS: Mary Beth Kraay, Doug Duke, Susan Kopulos, George Kopulos, Edye McLachlan, Elizabeth Adam

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12th, 2023 - Theology on Tap will gather at 7:00

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13th, 2023 - Beaches Prayer Group will gather at 9:30

Random Thoughts:

The older I get, the more I understand why roosters just scream to start their day.

How did doctors come to the conclusion that exercise prolongs life when …. The rabbit who is always jumping but only lives for around two years, while the turtle that doesn’t exercise at all, lives over 200 years. So, rest, chill, eat, drink and enjoy life….

If only vegetables smelled as good as bacon …

We live in a time where intelligent people are silenced so that stupid people won’t be offended.…………….

I have many hidden talents. I just wish I could remember where I hid them.

Have a good week - MB

    December 1, 2023

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1st, 2023 - It’s December, the month of Advent, celebrations, carols, shopping, concerts, Charles Dickens, bake sales, Longest Night and probably snow!

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2nd, 2023 - St. Aidan’s Holiday Market – 10:00 – 3:00 – bake sale, plus a variety of vendors.

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3rd, 2023 - FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT – Join us for worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading. Following the worship service there will be a congregational meeting in the sanctuary – please attend.

MISSION CAPSULE: In Malawi, Jennifer joined a program for orphans and vulnerable children supported by PWS&D. When she was in Grade 5, Jennifer lost both of her parents to HIV and was cared for by her great aunt. Jennifer is also HIV positive and is undergoing treatment. Through this program Jennifer is receiving training in tailoring as well as beekeeping. Now 19 years old, Jennifer has just had her first honey harvest, yielding five kg of honey which she sold to buy food. Jennifer now dreams of volunteering with a local tailor, hoping to secure a paid job in the field. With the skills she learned from this program, Jennifer is able to live positively with HIV and earn a livelihood to support herself.


SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9th, 2023 - Christmas Jazz Concert – 4:00 – Please join us for a festive winter evening full of familiar Christmas classics! The jazz trio features James Hill, piano, Julian Anderson-Bowes, Bass and Ian Wright, drums. Pay what you can or $15:00 at the door. Refreshments and baked goods will be sold throughout the evening. We encourage everyone to bring non-perishable foods for the community pantry. This is a family friendly event, so bring the whole family.

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 10th, 2023 - Our annual dramatic reading of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol - 3:30 – featuring Tom Allen, readers and musicians. Money raised goes to the Arise Ministry.

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5th, 2023 - Theology on Tap will skip a week and resume Dec 12th.

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6th, 2023 - Beaches Prayer group will gather in the prayer room at 9:30


I was in the bathroom putting on my makeup, under the watchful eyes of my young granddaughter, as I had done many times before. After I applied my lipstick and started to leave, the little one said to me, “but grandma, you forgot to kiss the toilet paper goodbye.”

A grandmother was telling her little granddaughter what her own childhood was like. “ we used to skate outside on a pond. I had a swing made from a tire and it hung from a tree in our front yard. We rode our pony and picked wild raspberries in the woods.” The little girl was wide-eyed, taking this all in. At last she said, “I sure wish I’d gotten to know you sooner.

A grandfather was delivering his grandchildren to their home one day when a fire truck zoomed past. Sitting in the front seat of the fire truck was a Dalmatian dog. The children started discussing the dog’s duties. “They use him to keep the crowds back” said one child. “no”, said another, “he’s just for good luck”. The third child brought the argument to a close – “They use the dogs, to find the fire hydrants.”

A six year old was asked where his grandma lived, “Oh, he said, she lives at the airport and whenever we want her, we just go and get her. Then when we’re done having her visit, we just take her back to the airport.”

Have a good week - MB

    November 23, 2023

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23rd, 2023 - “Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity” Martin Luther King, Jr.

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25th, 2023 - Christmas Market at Beach United Church 10:00 – 2:00 featuring a variety of local artisans; jams/jellies; baked goods; jewelry

AND events at Kew Gardens –photos with Santa 1:00 – 4:30; Christmas Tree lighting 5:00 – 5:30 and Carol singing 4:00 – 6:00

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 26th, 2023 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.

MISSION CAPSULE: Over the past two years Canadian aid organization advocated to remove legal barriers to much needed aid in Afghanistan. The barriers prevented aid organizations, including PWS&D from providing urgent humanitarian assistance since the Taliban took control in August 2021. The recent parliamentary adoption of Bill C-41 now enables Canadian aid organizations to provide crucial aid in Afghanistan safely and effectively. Bill C-41 is vital to improving access to health care, ensuring access to food, water and sanitation, education and protecting human dignity. As winter approaches the needs are even greater. PWS&D will now support work in Afghanistan once again – an important step in coping with political, economic and climate adversity for many in the country.


SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3rd, 2023 - Following worship, Congregational meeting.

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9th, 2023 - Concert in the sanctuary sponsored by Julian and friends

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 10th, 2023 - Annual Dickens reading

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28th, 2023 - Theology on Tap will gather for in depth discussion at 7:00

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29th, 2023 - Beaches Prayer Group will gather at 9:30


After putting her grandchildren to bed, she changed into some old clothes and proceeded to wash her hair. As she heard the children getting more and more rambunctious, her patience grew thin. Finally, she threw a towel around her head and stormed into their room, putting them back to bed with stern warnings. As she left the room, she heard the three year old say, with a trembling voice, “who was THAT?”

A little girl was diligently pounding away on her grandfather’s word processor. She told him she was writing a story. What’s it about, he asked. I don’t know, she replied, I can’t read.

A second grader came home from school and said to her grandmother, “Grandma guess what? We learned how to make babies today” The grandmother more than a little surprised, tried to keep her cool. “That’s interesting,” she said, “How do you make babies” “It’s simple, you just change ‘y’ to ‘I’ and add ‘es’”

Have a good week - be careful out there, Covid is alive and well and spreading.


    November 17, 2023

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17th, 2023 - “So, you’ve been eating hot dogs and McChickens all your life, but you won’t take the vaccine because you don’t know what’s in it?”

FRIDAY, SATURDAY & SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17th, 18th & 19th, 2023 - Beach Guild of Fine Arts Winter show at Beach United Church. Friday 5:00 – 8:00; Saturday and Sunday 10:00 – 5:00.

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19th, 2023 - Beaches Annual Santa Claus Parade – this year on Kingston Road. 1:00 - west from Victoria Park to Walter, north on Walter ending up at Community 55.

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19th, 2023 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.

Following worship we will be raking leaves and bagging - so volunteers will be needed.

COMING UP: SUNDAY DECEMBER 3rd, 2023 - FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT, NOT NOVEMBER 26th - Beaches General meeting following worship.

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9th, 2023 - CONCERT – Hosted by Julian Anderson Bowes and friends, in the sanctuary, welcome to Christmas –

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 10th, 2023 - 3:00 - Annual Christmas Carol Reading

MISSION CAPSULE: The friendship between the Rev. Dr. Paul McLean and the Rev. Manias Chang Yu-fa began in 2012 when they first started working together on the Bunun Bible translation project, one of the indigenous languages in Taiwan. In March 2023, they had just finished finalizing the entire translation when Manias was hospitalized. He passed away three months later. Although Manias did not live to see the complete Bunun Bible, his family and friends find comfort in knowing that he knew that his translation work of many years was completed before he passed away. We give thanks for faithful servants. Paul received support from Presbyterians Sharing … for his work in Bible Translations.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, 2023 - Theology on Tap will gather for discussion at 7:00

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23rd, 2023 - Beaches Prayer Group will gather in the prayer room at 9:30


My young grandson called the other day to wish me a Happy Birthday. He asked me how old I was and I told him, 68. My grandson was quiet for a moment and then he asked, “did you start at 1?

I didn’t know if my granddaughter had learned her colours yet, so I decided to test her. I would point out something and ask what colour it was. She would tell me and was always correct. It was fun for me, so I continued. At last, she was heading for the door, saying, “Grandma I really think you should try to figure out some of these colours yourself”.

A teacher asked her class – give me a sentence about a public servant. A small boy wrote; The fireman came down the ladder pregnant. The teacher took the lad aside to correct him. Don’t you know what pregnant means? She asked. Sure, it means carrying a child!

Have a good week MB

    November 10, 2023

NOVEMBER 10th, 2023 - “No one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of it to anyone else.” Charles Dickens

NOVEMBER 11TH, 2023 - Christmas Bazaar at Fallingbrook Presbyterian Church – 10:00 – 2;00 – Basket draws; PJ’s; scarves; socks; mittens; hats; jewelry; preserves; local honey; baking etc.

Bake Sale and Jewelry sale – Kingston Road United 10:00 – 2:00

REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE – 10:55 am - Kew Gardens; Scarborough War Memorial Cenotaph 10:45 am; East York Civic Centre 10:45 – noon

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12th, 2023 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.

MISSION CAPSULE: We are a vibrant denomination working together to put our faith into action. When we give to Presbyterians Sharing ...we share in God’s mission and proclaim God’s love. We participate in mission and ministry in Canada, build strong congregations, support theological colleges and provide resources and educational opportunities. We serve vulnerable people, seek justice and work toward healing and reconciliation with indigenous people. We share Christ’s love around the world, sending grants and staff to encourage, equip and accompany PCC partners in their ministry. Through Presbyterians Sharing … we make mission and ministry happen. None of this would be possible without your generous gifts.

Coming up: First Sunday of Advent – November 26th, 2023

Congregational meeting following worship – December 3rd, 2023

Annual Dicken’s Reading - December 10th

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14th, 2023 - Theology on Tap will meet at 7:00

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15th, 2023 - Beaches Prayer Group will gather in the prayer room at 9:30


Gallivant; Britches; Codger; Rigmarole; Hoodwink; Ragamuffin; Fiddle-faddle; Skulldugery; Jalopy;

Kibosh; Bejeebers; Hullabaloo; Bamboozled; Brouhaha; Flabbergasted; Discombobulated; Nincompoop …..

And on it goes …..

Have a good week, don’t watch the news MB

    November 2, 2023


SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5TH, 2023 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Jennifer Henry leading. Rev. Henry is a well known feminist leader, and social justice advocate.

Change your clocks:

MISSION CAPSULES: In Guatemala, Leslie – a mother of four – takes great pride in the small home, built atop a former landfill site, she has owned for 15 years. To make ends meet she sorts plastic bottles from the landfill with her five year old daughter often accompanying her. Leslie’s other daughter, Naomi, attends the PWS&D supported School. At this school, she has developed essential reading and writing skills. Leslie also participates in parenting classes, noting “it’s very helpful because I’ve changed the way I parent. I shout less. I used to come home from work and start shouting at the kids, but I’ve learned differently. The classes are very beneficial.”


TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7th, 2023 - Theology on Tap will gather at 6:30 for dinner and 7:00 for discussion. They will be beginning “Unsettling Worship: Reforming Liturgy for Right Relations with Indigenous Communities” by Sarah Travis.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8th, 2023 - Beaches Prayer Group will gather in the prayer room at 9:30.


I used to date a girl with one leg who worked at a brewery. She was in charge of the hops!

Did you know that a raven has 17 rigid feathers called pinions, while a crow has only 16. The difference between a raven and a crow is just a matter of a pinion!

I told my carpenter I didn’t want carpeted steps. He gave me a blank stair!

What did the surgeon say to the patient who insisted on closing up his own incision? Suture self.!

Have a good week and don’t forget to change your clocks. MB

    October 26, 2023

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26th, 2023 - “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did but people will never forget how you made them feel” Maya Angelou

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28th, 2023 - Concert with Lost Pilgrims at Fallingbrook Presbyterian Church, 31 Wood Glen Road – 2:00 PM – Tickets $25:00

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 29TH, 2023 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.

MISSION CAPSULE: Cyclone Freddy – one of the most powerful storms ever recorded in the southern hemisphere – made landfall in Malawi in March 2023. Thousands in Malawi were left homeless and with severe crop losses, over 345,000 people were affected by the heavy rains, floods and landslides. Through its partners, <b>PWS&D</b> responded to this devastating disaster by providing maize flour and soya to enable families to meet their immediate food requirements. Additionally, because of critical food insecurity due to droughts and floods in the area, PWS&D implemented a three month flood assistance project for 2500 households. This project provided food assistance in the form of cash transfers, as well as seeds to produce high value crops.

MONDAY, OCTOBER 30th, 2023 - Theology on Tap will meet at Feathers to finish the book Eichmann in Jerusalem by Hanadh Arendt. In November we will begin to meet on Tuesdays and will be reading Unsettling Worship; Reforming Liturgy for Right Relations with Indigenous Communities by Sarah Travis.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1st, 2023 - Beaches Prayer Group will meet in the Prayer Room at 9:30.

NOTE: Two months from today, Christmas will be over except for the leftovers……………just sayin


I’ve always wondered if chickens communicated using foul language. Maybe only when they’re egg cited!

An invisible man married an invisible woman. The kids were nothing to look at either!!

I didn’t think the chiropractor would improve my posture. But I stand corrected.

Studies show cows produce more milk when the farmer talks to them. It’s a case of in one ear and out the udder!!

I took my girlfriend out on a date to the ice rink and entry was half price. She called me a cheap skate!!

Have a good week - MB

    October 19, 2023

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19TH, 2023 - “As I watch this generation try to rewrite our history, one thing I’m sure of .. it will be misspelled and have no punctuation.”

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21st, 2023 - Native Tree Giveaway and Fall Market at Scarborough Food Security Community Farm – 3595 St. Clair East 10:00 – 1:00. Choose up to two free trees/shrubs to bring bees, birds and butterflies back into your garden. Place your order

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22nd, 2023 - Join us at 10:00 for morning worship – this Sunday is a Gospel service. Come early to secure a place in a pew.

MISSION CAPSULE: World hunger is a more pressing global challenge than ever. An increasing number of people around the world suffer from worsening and chronic food insecurity and malnutrition. Climate change, conflict and poverty exacerbated by global inflation are key factors worsening this crisis. Hunger threatens physical and mental well-being and hinders social and economic development. Through its partners, PWS&D is responding to the hunger crisis in East Africa where millions of people are suffering from increased food insecurity. Conflicts, such as those in Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo, are forcing hundreds of thousands of families from their homes. Furthermore, extreme climate weather events across the Horn of Africa have created high hunger levels. Through PWS&D we are helping to provide emergency support to people affected by the food crisis.

MONDAY, OCTOBER 23rd, 2023 - Theology on Tap will not be meeting. They will gather again on Monday, October 30th at Feathers and will finish the book Eichmann in Jerusalem. In November they will begin a new discussion and will begin to meet on Tuesdays. The first get together will be Tuesday, November 6th – 6:30 for dinner 7:00 for discussion. If moving to Tuesday means that other people would like to join us, please do. Contact either Erin Sclisizzi or M.J.Perry.

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25th, 2023 - Beaches Prayer Group will gather in the Prayer Room at 9:30.


Abraham Lincoln became Americas greatest Precedent. Lincoln’s mother died in infancy and he was born in a log cabin which he built with his own hands. Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves by signing the Emasculation Proclamation. On the night of April 14, 1865 Lincoln whent to the theater and got shot in his seat by one of the actors in a moving picture show. They believe the assinator was John Wilkes Booth, a supposingly insane actor. This ruined Booth’s career.

Johann Bach wrote a great many musical compositions and had a large number of children. In between he practiced on an old spinster which he kept in his attic. Bach died from 1750 to the present. Bach was the most famous composer in the world and so was Handel. Handel was half German, half Italian and half English. He was very large.

Beethoven wrote music even though he was deaf. He was so deaf he wrote loud music. He took long walks in the forest even when everyone was calling for him. Beethoven expired in 1827 and later died for this.

The nineteenth century was a time of great many thoughts and inventions. People stopped reproducing by hand and started reproducing by machine. The invention of the steamboat caused a network of rivers to spring up. Cyrus McCormick invented the McCormick raper, which did the work of hundred men. Louis Pasteur discovered a cure for rabbits. Charles Darwin was naturalist who wrote the “Organ of the Species.” Madman Curie discovered the radio and Karl Marx became the first of the Marx Brothers.

Have a good week - enjoy the weather. MB

    October 12, 2023

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12th, 2023 - Hard to believe I once had a phone attached to a wall, and when it rang, I picked it up without knowing who was calling !!

OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS: Nora Hiraishi; Katherine McCloskey; Sammy McCloskey

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 15th, 2023 - Join us for morning worship at 10;00 Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading. Today we will be celebrating the arrival of Fall and our church family so are hosting a “Welcome Back” luncheon. We are hopeful that many of you will join in and renew some friendships. However, at the same time Queen Street will be closed to traffic from Woodbine to Beech Avenue due to a Marathon. So, if you are driving park north of Queen if you are on the TTC be prepared to walk a bit……but please, do come.

MISSION CAPSULES: In the book of Acts, the disciples travelled far and wide to share the good news of Christ. The Rural and Remote Ministry Fund offers seminary students the opportunity to gain practical ministry experience in rural communities across the country. This summer Nehemia Neuhisa and Howard Tuwaidan both seminary students, served as student ministers for the Synod of Saskatchewan. Through the experience, they were able to lead worship at ten different congregations, support Vacation Bible School programs, serve as chaplains at Camp Christopher and volunteer at Saskatoon Native Circle Ministry. Like the early disciples their commitment to mission and outreach was a blessing to many.

Coming up: Sunday, October 22nd, 2023 - Gospel service

MONDAY, OCTOBER 16th, 2023 - Theology on Tap will gather at 7:00.

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18th, 2023 - Beaches Prayer Group will gather in the prayer room at 9:30


Joan of Arc was burnt to a steak and was canonized by Bernard Shaw…

Queen Elizabeth was the “Virgin Queen” as a queen she was a success. When she exposed herself before her troops they all shouted. “Hurrah”

It was an age of great inventions and discoveries. Guttenberg invented removable type and the Bible. Another important invention was the circulation of blood. Sir Walter Raleigh was a historical figure because he invented cigarettes and started smoking. Sir Francis Drake circumcised the world with a 100 foot clipper.

The greatest writer of the Renaissance was William Shakespeare. He was born in the year 1564 supposedly on his birthday. He never made much money and is famous only because of his plays. He wrote tragedies, comedies and hysterectomies all in Islamic pentameter. Romeo and Juliet are an example of a heroic couple. Romeo’s last wish was to be laid by Juliet.

Writing at the same time as Shakespeare was Miguel Cervantes. He wrote “Donkey Hote”. The next great author was John Milton. Milton wrote “Paradise Lost”. Then his wife died and he wrote “Paradise Regained” …….

Have a good week – come to church on Sunday - MB

    October 2, 2023

MONDAY, OCTOBER 2nd, 2023 - What – October … how did that happen……enjoy the weather.

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8th, 2023 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading - it’s communion Sunday.


SUNDAY, OCTOBER 15th, 2023 - Welcome back lunch – following worship – we have been through a lot in the past year, please consider joining in and renewing friendships over some good food. AND on that day there will be a marathon running on Queen East from Beech to Woodbine

So plan to park north of Queen.

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22ND, 2023 - Gospel Service at 10 – details later.

MONDAY, OCTOBER 9th, 2023 - Theology on Tap will meet at Feathers – 6:30 for dinner or 7:00 for discussion. We will be covering chapters 5 &6 of Eichman in Jerusalem.

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11th, 2023 - Beaches Prayer Group will gather in the prayer room at 9:30


The following were answers provided by 6th graders during a history test. Watch for the spelling!

Ancient Egypt was inhabited by mummies and they all wrote in hydraulics. They lived in the Sarah Dessert. The climate of the Sarah is such that all the inhabitants have to live elsewhere.

Moses led the Hebrew slaves to the Red Sea where they made unleavened bread, which is bread made without any ingredients. Moses went up on Mount Cynide to get the Ten Commandments. He died before he ever reached Canada.

Solomon had three hundred wives and seven hundred porcupines.

The Greeks were a highly sculptured people and without them we wouldn’t have history. The Greeks also had myths. A myth is a female moth.

Socrates was a famous Greek teacher who went around giving people advice. They killed him. Socrates died from an overdose of wedlock. After his death, his career suffered a dramatic decline.

In the Olympic games, Greeks ran races, jumped, hurled biscuits and threw the java.

Have a good week, enjoy the weather - good to be back. MB

    July 28, 2023

FRIDAY. JULY 28th, 2023 - “Some cause happiness wherever they go, others whenever they go.”
Oscar Wilde

SUNDAY, JULY 30th, 2023 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.

MISSION CAPSULE: Nadhifa, a single mother of seven in Somalia, had to relocate with her two oldest daughters and one year old son to a camp for internally displaced people after the drought caused her to lose her livelihood. She left her other children with relatives fearing for their survival. They journeyed to the Dollow district to seek humanitarian assistance. During screening at the camp, she was diagnosed with severe malnutrition. With the support of PWS&D she received treatment and recovered after a few weeks. In addition, she was encouraged to participate in the infant and young child feeding information session, where she gained valuable nutrition knowledge.

MONDAY, JULY 31st, 2023 - Theology on Tap will gather at 7:00 - Check the location.

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2nd, 2023 - Beaches Prayer Group will meet in the prayer room at 9:30

Feeling old?

The Beatles split 49 years ago –

The movie “The Wizard of Oz” is 84 years old –

Elvis died 46 years ago –

Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” video is 41 years old –

Mickey Mantle retired 54 years ago -

“Saturday Night Fever” is 48 years old -

The Ed Sullivan Show ended 52 years ago -

The Corvette turned 70 this year -

And the Mustang is 59 -

Have a good week - stay cool MB

    July 14, 2023

FRIDAY, JULY 14th, 2023 - “Success is liking yourself. Liking what you do and liking how you do it.” Maya Angelou

Beaches Annual Jazz Festival is on – Woodbine Beach and streetfest later this month.

SUNDAY, JULY 16th, 2023 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – come in person, bring a friend, Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.

MISSION CAPSULE: After their summer crop failed and they lost their agricultural loan, Moolo and his wife Babbri, who live in Pakistan, were in financial trouble and were going hungry. Given the gravity of their situation, they managed to receive food assistance from PWQS&D’s partner in their community. The amount received was sufficient to cover some other basic needs and meant that the elderly couple could use their small savings to provide daily medication to their son Chandan, who has epilepsy. With their remaining savings, Moolo hoped to open a small store, but his eyesight was deteriorating. Babbri stepped up and opened the store herself remarking, “It is because of this aid that we are not under debt, or we would have sold our goats to pay for food. But we are not in debt and still have our goats.”

MONDAY, JULY 17th, 2023 - Theology on Tap will meet at 7:00 at the Beacher Café.

WEDNESDAY, JULY 19th, 2023 - Beaches Prayer Group will meet in the prayer room at 9:30


The toothbrush was invented in 1498.

The average housefly lives for one month. (not in my house)

40,000 north Americans are injured by toilets each year.

The average computer user blinks seven times a minute.

Your feet are bigger in the afternoon than any other time of day.

Most of us have eaten a spider in our sleep.

The real reason ostriches stick their head in the sand is to search for water.

The only two animals than can see behind themselves without turning their heads are the rabbit and the parrot.

Have a good week MB

    July 7, 2023

FRIDAY, JULY 7th, 2023 - “Work is much more fun than fun.” Noel Coward

SUNDAY, JULY 9th, 2023 - Join the rest of us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading – we will celebrate communion.

MISSION CAPSULE: With support from Presbyterians Sharing … Action Refugies Montreal provides hope and assistance to refugees through social programming sponsorship and raising awareness of refugee rights. The organization runs the popular “Twinning Program” that matches newly arrived refugeed women with women living in Montreal. Through regular meetings and group activities, the “twins” create bonds of friendship and solidarity. The program helps to reduce isolation and overcome barriers that the women face in their day to day lives. Who are the people in your community that could benefit from having someone come alongside them in a supportive and empowering way?

MONDAY, JULY 10th, 2023 - Theology on tap will gather at the Beacher café at 7:00

WEDNESDAY, JULY 12th, 2023 - Beaches Prayer Group will meet at 9:30 in the prayer room.


Apples, not caffeine, are more efficient at waking you up in the morning.

Alfred Hitchcock didn’t have a belly button.

A pack-a-day smoker will lose approximately two teeth every ten years.

People do not get sick from cold weather; it’s from being indoors a lot more.

Only 7% of the population are lefties.

Forty people are sent to the hospital for dog bites every minute.

Babies are born without kneecaps. They don’t appear until they are 2 – 6 years old.

The average person over 50 will have spent five years waiting in lines.

Have a good week - come to church - M

    June 30, 2023

FRIDAY, JUNE 30TH, 2023 - “A bookstore is one of the only pieces of evidence we have that people are still thinking.” Jerry Seinfeld

SATURDAY, JULY 1ST, 2023 - HAPPY CANADA DAY – Fireworks at Ashbridges Bay at 10:00

SUNDAY, JULY 2nd, 2023 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – do come in person, there is lots of room to spread out – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.

MISSION CAPSULES: We give thanks for the staff and volunteers at PCC camps who share God’s love with children and youth over the summer.

NOTE: We are looking for a large area rug for the Prayer Room – one that will protect the newly painted floor both under the chairs and the table plus the wellworn path to the instrument room behind the piano. We are hoping that a member might know of one that is not too badly worn out , to donate. Contact Peter McKinnon.

MONDAY, JULY 3rd, 2023 - Theology on Tap will gather at 7:00 at the Beacher Café to discuss Dancing in the Wild Spaces of Love by James Olthuis.

WEDNESDAY, JULY 5th, 2023 - Beaches Prayer Group will gather in the Prayer Room at 9:30

NOTE: I hope some of you are thinking about your faith stories and are considering sharing them……just sayin


The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us - Bill Watterson

I am responsible for what I say, not what you understand.

Common sense is like deodorant. The people who need it the most never use it.

As I watch this generation try to rewrite our history, one thing I’m sure of … it will be misspelled and have no punctuation.

I haven’t gotten anything done today. I’ve been in the produce department trying to open this stupid plastic bag.

I want to be 18 again and ruin my life differently. I have new ideas.

Have a good week - MB

    June 23, 2023

FRIDAY, JUNE 23rd, 2023 - “Why pay a dollar for a bookmark? Why not use the dollar for a bookmark”
Steven Spielberg

SUNDAY, JUNE 25th, 2023 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Linda Endicott leading.

MISSION CAPSULES; Orphaned as a teenager, Fouzia was adopted by her aunt and uncle whom she came to live with in Kabul, Afghanistan. After the Taliban took control, the family fled to Pakistan where they could scarcely find work as they lacked the necessary legal documents. They were then selected for a food assistance project supported by PWS&D. Through the project, Fouzia’s family received assistance to help ensure that they are able to meet their food needs while her uncle and aunt look for a source of income in Pakistan, providing a sense of relief in the face of great uncertainty. With funds received, my aunt bought food items so that we have sufficient meals every day.

MONDAY, JUNE 26th, 2023 - Theology on Tap will gather at 7:00 at The Beacher Café

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28th, 2023 - Beaches Prayer Group will gather at 9:30 in the prayer room


On the past three Sundays Katherine has preached about being disciples. I have enjoyed these sermons and they resonated with me. SO, I decided to share one of my faith stories – something we don’t do often enough and something I certainly don’t do very often.

When I was 11 my 15 year old brother, who was the closest relative in my family, was killed in a freak accident. I was shattered and my life changed drastically. Jumping ahead a year I spent an afternoon with two girlfriends and they talked about going to Sunday School and wondered why I didn’t. Church was not a priority in my house, we didn’t talk about it and we didn’t ever attend a service. I found this girl discussion very interesting and when I went to bed I thought about all the things they had said. Now, two things, I was incredibly self conscious and I had what I thought was the largest, ugliest wart on my finger ... to the point where I thought that was people saw when they looked at me so I walked around with my hand in my pocket all the time. Before I tried to sleep I said “If you are really there, take away this wart”. I know that was quite cheeky but –

In the morning the wart was gone…..GONE …no scar,no evidence of it on the floor or in my bed, just gone. I was so frightened of the power of that that I didn’t want to show anyone because then I would have to explain it, and remember I was only 12 ... so I walked around for another year with my hand in my pocket.

That scared me so much I turned my back on our Lord and didn’t do anything about it again until I was in my late teens. Looking back on it now I realize that He was telling me that in spite of Allen’s death he was there.

Now, I invite you to share – send me your stories and I will put them in Tid Bits.

Have a good week MB

    June 16, 2023

FRIDAY, JUNE 16th, 2023 - “What this country needs is more unemployed politicians….” Angela Davis

SATURDAY, JUNE 17th, 2023 - Fundraising Bake Sale at Beaches Recreation Centre to raise funds for Forest Fire Relief - 9;00 – 2:00

SATURDAY, JUNE 17th, 2023 - Historical walk with Gene Domagal – 1:00 – Gather at St. Saviour’s Anglican Church – Main & Swanwick – this walk wends its way through the neighbourhood, ending at Calvary Baptist Church.

SATURDAY, JUNE 17th, 2023 - Bluffs Gates Open Home & Garden Tour – 10:00 – 4:00. Tour some of Scarborough’s most beautiful homes and be inspired with new and creative ideas for your own home and garden. Tickets $40.00 – proceeds support the Scarborough Health Network.

JUNE 12TH – JUNE 18TH – BARD IN THE PARK - Kew Gardens - A Midsummer Night’s Dream – Monday – Saturday 7:00 Saturday & Sunday 2:00

SUNDAY, JUNE 18th, 20213 - Join us in person, please, for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.

MISSION CAPSULE: Winnipeg Inner City Missions is an outreach ministry supported by gifts to Presbyterians Sharing …that welcomes and embraces all people living in downtown Winnipeg. WICM works towards healing and reconciliation and provides temporary housing, employment services, as well as programming for children and youth. The staff and volunteers of WICM work to provide a safe, inclusive space that inspires lifelong learning and building social and personal wellbeing for all people in the community. WICM recently welcomed Beverly Burkard as its new executive director. Beverly is a welcome addition to WICM bringing with her an extensive background working with charitable and non-profit organizations, including Sage Journey, Agape Table and Red Road Lodge.

MONDAY, JUNE 19th, 2023 - Theology on Tap will meet at 7:00 at the Beacher Café ….

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21st, 2023 - Beaches Prayer Group will gather in the prayer room at 9:30


The preacher was wired for sound with a lapel mike and as he preached, he moved briskly about the platform, jerking the mike cord as he went. Then he moved to one side, getting wound up in the cord and nearly tripping before jerking it again. After several circles and jerks, a little girl in the third pew leaned toward her mother and whispered, “if he gets loose, will he hurt us?”

Six year old Angie and her four year old brother Joel were sitting together in church. Joel giggled, sang and talked out loud. Finally, his big sister had had enough. “You’re not supposed to talk out loud in church” “why, who’s going to stop me?” Joel asked. Angie pointed to the back of the church and said, “See those two men standing by the door? They’re hushers”

A ten year old, under the tutelage of her grandmother, was becoming quite knowledgeable about the Bible. Then, one day, she floored her grandmother by asking. “Which Virgin was the mother of Jesus? The virgin Mary or the King James Virgin?”

Have a good week - MB

    June 9, 2023

FRIDAY, JUNE 9th, 2023 - “You are not a star until they can spell your name in Karachi.”
Humphrey Bogart

NOTICE: Toronto asked 44 community groups to build habitat gardens to protect the bees and butterflies. These gardens are popping up all over our city. One of them is on Glen Manor in front of our church. The Girl Guides, who meet at Beaches, have been working with our very own Heather Crisp – Master Gardener – to plan and plant this garden. The Guides hope to take photos and information about this project to other Guide groups to encourage them to do the same. We will watch with interest as this garden flourishes.

SUNDAY, JUNE 11th, 2023 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading. We will celebrate communion.

MISSION CAPSULE: Prema and her five children live in the Umerkot district of Pakistan. After her husband’s death, Prema found it very difficult to provide for her family and severe drought throughout the district only brought more hardship. Her eldest son tried hard to find work so that he could help support his mother and siblings but despite his best efforts his job prospects were limited due to a physical disability. A glimmer of hope came when Prema and her family were selected for a food assistance project run by PWS&D local partner. The food aid that Prema’s family has received through the project has helped them to become more resilient to future adverse events.

MONDAY, JUNE 12th, 2023 - Theology on Tap is continuing to meet on Monday’s from 7:00 – 8:00. We gather at the Beacher Café and some of us meet at 6:30 for dinner. In the summer months, however, we have been known to wander the neighbourhood by visiting places such as the Balmy Beach Club and we are anticipating at least one field trip soon. If you are planning to join us it would be a good idea to check with Erin or M.J. just in case. This past Monday we began discussing Dancing in the Wild Spaces of Love by James H. Olthuis (Jim) and will continue to discuss it for the next several weeks.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14th, 2023 - Beaches prayer group will gather in the prayer room at 9:30

From the children:

One Sunday in a Midwest City, a young child was “acting up: during the morning worship. The parents did their best to maintain some sense of order in the pew but were losing the battle. Finally, the father picked the little fellow up and walked sternly up the aisle on the way out. Just before reaching the safety of the foyer, the little one called loudly “Pray for me! Pray for me!”

A little boy opened the big and old family Bible with fascination. Looking at the old pages as he turned them. Then something fell out of the Bible. He picked it up and looked at it closely. It was an old leaf from a tree that had been pressed in between the pages. “Mama, look what I found,” the boy called out. “What have you got there, dear?” his mother asked. With astonishment in the young boy’s voice he answered, “It’s Adam’s suit”.

My grandson was visiting one day when he asked “Grandma, do you know how you and God are alike” I mentally polished my halo, while I asked. No, how are we alike? “Your’e both old”

Have a good week - Come to church, there is lots of room to spread out - MB

    June 2, 2023

FRIDAY, JUNE 2nd, 2023 - "There are really only three types of people: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who say "what happened?" Ann Landers

SUNDAY, JUNE 4th, 2023 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 - Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.

MISSION CAPSULE: In Haiti's Artibonite region, two year old Gloria lives with her parents and three siblngs. One day, Gloria's parents noticed that their daughter would not eat and that her breathing was labored. They rushed Gloria to St.Marc Hospital supported by PWS&D and it's local partner. There, Gloria was diagnosed with acute malnutrition as well as tuberculosis and edema. Her treatment consisted of a regimen of antibiotics and therapeutic milk, administered over the course of a few weeks until she was deemed healthy enough to begin outpatient care. Not long after, Gloria had gained enough weight to assure the doctors that she had made a full recovery, both from malnutrition and tuberculosis.

JUNE BIRTHDAYS - Jay Stryker, Rosemary Brett, Kevin McCloskey, Pam, Williamson, Julian Anderson-Bowes, Alexander Murray

MONDAY, JUNE 5th, 2023 - Theology on Tap will gather at 7:00 at the Beacher Café

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7th, 2023 - Beaches Prayer Group will gather at 9:30 in the prayer room


A little boy was in a relative's wedding. As he was coming down the aisle, he would take two steps, stop and turn to the crowd. While facing the crowd, he would put his hands up like claws and roar. So it went, step, step, ROAR, step, step, ROAR all the way down the aisle. As you can imagine, the crowd was near tears from laughing so hard by the time he reached the pulpit. When asked what he was doing, the child sniffed and said, "I was being the Ring Bear"

One particular four year old prayed - and forgive us our trash baskets, and forgive those who put trash in our baskets.

A little boy was overheard praying: "Lord if you can't make me a better boy, don't worry about it, I'm having a real good time like I am"

A Sunday School teacher asked her little children as they were on the way to church service - "and why is it necessary to be qui8et in church?" One bright little girl replied, "because people are sleeping"

Have a good week MB

    May 25, 2023

THURSDAY, MAY 25th, 2023 - “The best way to cheer yourself up is to try cheer somebody else up” Mark Twain

SUNDAY, MAY 28th, 2023 - Join us at 10:00 for morning worship – today is one of our Jazz Services.

MISSION CAPSULE: With support from Presbyterians Sharing … Two Rivers Church in Guelph, Ontario is exploring new and creative ways of being the Church. This ministry is made up of “living rooms” where people gather together in homes for meals and conversations that draw them deeper into friendship and spiritual formation in Christ. Recently celebrating ten years of ministry, Two Rivers Church has grown to include six living rooms where the congregation meets together. At the same time, community engagement has expanded to include community gardening projects, neighbourhood cycling events, prayer walks, church retreats and an interactive “stations of the cross” walk through downtown Guelph during Holy Week.

MONDAY, MAY 29th, 2023 - Theology on Tap – 7:00 – Beacher Café

WEDNESDAY, MAY 31st, 2023 - Beaches Prayer Group – 9:30 – in the Prayer room


Prison is just one word to you, but for some people it’s a whole sentence.

Scientists got together to study the effects of alcohol on a person’s walk, and the result was staggering.

I’m trying to organize a hide and seek tournament, but good players are really hard to find.

I’ve started telling everyone about the benefits of eating dried grapes. It’s all about raisin awareness.

What do you say to comfort a friend who’s struggling with grammar? There, their, they’re

Have a good week - come to church, there is lots of room! MB

    May 19, 2023

FRIDAY, MAY 19th, 2023 - “I’ve never had a humble opinion. If you’ve got an opinion, why be humble about it?” Joan Baez

SATURDAY, MAY 20th, 2023 - Annual Spring Thaw Concert – at Beaches Presbyterian Church – 6:00 – A Jazz Folk Concert featuring Ewen Farncombe, Emily Schultz and Zinnia with Leah Holtom, Julian Anderson Bowes and Chris Pruden. Tickets $30.00 cash or etransfer at the door.
Proceeds go to support the BPC Refugee Ministry and Arise Ministry

SUNDAY, MAY 21ST, 2023 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.

MISSION CAPSULE: When Esther was 13 years old she got her period for the first time – just one day before the Malawi national primary school examinations which would determine whether she would be admitted to secondary school. Esther was instructed by the older women in her village to not leave home and remain indoors for the next seven days in adherence with village customs. Caroline, an outreach volunteer for girls’ rights, learned about Esther’s situation and enlisted the help of the village’s chief to speak with Esther’s parents about letting her leave home isolation to write the exam. Esther was permitted to write her exam, allowing her to advance to secondary school. With PWS&D’s support, local partners are raising awareness about the importance of girls’ education for a successful future.

MONDAY, MAY 29th, 2023 - Theology on Tap will meet at 7:00

WEDNESDAY, May 24TH, 2023 - Beaches Prayer Group will meet at 9:30 in the prayer room

SUNDAY, MAY 28th, 2023 - Jazz Service at 10:00


A commander walks into a bar and orders everyone around.

I lost my job as a stage designer. I left without making a scene.

Never buy flowers from a Monk. Only you can prevent florist friars.

Bono and The Edge walk into a Dublin bar and the bartender says “Oh no, not U2 again”

Why is ‘dark’ spelled with a k and not c? Because you can’t see in the dark.

I lost my girlfriend’s audiobook and now I’ll never hear the end of it.

Have a good week – come to church MB

My friends and I have named our bank ‘Duvet’. It’s a cover band

    May 4, 2023


FRIDAY, MAY 5th, 2023 - 7:30 - With Heart and Voice: Singing Coronation in Post-Colonial Canada, Come and sing your heart out, with choir and orchestra!

St. Andrew's United Church invites you to a festival of singing and choral music ahead of the English coronation.

How do we experience a coronation in post-colonial Canada? How has our relationship to Empire changed in the years since the crowning of Queen Elizabeth II, and how might our song change in the new Carolean era? How does the emerging conversation of de-coloniality inflect our song?

The Saint Andrew’s United Church choir (Music Director Hilary Seraph Donaldson; President, The Hymn Society in the US and Canada) and additional voices join with organist Robin Davis (The Church of St Peter and St Simon-the-Apostle) and festival orchestra for an evening of stirring and wide-ranging song.

Featured anthems:
“I Was Glad” (Hubert Parry)
“Zadok the Priest” (G. F. Handel)
…and more, with choir, organ, and orchestra

Tickets are free, but must be reserved in advance. A freewill offering will benefit Indspire. In-person and live-streamed; Reception to follow.

SATURDAY, MAY 6th, 2023 - Jazz & Reflection at Beach United Church – 4:30 - featuring John Amato, Jesse Whiteley and Matt Savard.

SUNDAY, MAY 7th, 2023 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.

MISSION CAPSULE: In Guatemala, Amalia Lopez Perez de Coronado is a member of a women’s group that engages in discussions about oppression, marginalization and violence against women. With the support of PWS&D and local partner, AMMID, the group hosts workshops that promote women’s empowerment by teaching women about their rights, including their right to participate in decision making structures at both the community and municipal levels. Through these workshops, Amalia has gained a sense of confidence that has allowed her to participate fully and freely in many different organizations. She’s also inspired other women in her community to do the same. Expressing her gratitude for the organizations that make these initiatives possible, Amalia affirmed, “I am grateful to AMMID for supporting women.”

MONDAY, MAY 8th, 2023 - Theology on Tap will gather at 7:00 at the Beacher Café

WEDNESDAY, MAY 10th, 2023 - Beaches Prayer Group will meet in the prayer room at 9:30.

SUNDAY, MAY 28th, 2023 - Jazz Service


Dad, are we pyromaniacs? Yes, we arson.

What do you call a pig with laryngitis? Disgruntled

Writing my name in cursive is my signature move.

Why do bees stay in their hives during winter? Swarm

If you’re bad at haggling, you’ll end up paying the price.

Just so everyone’s clear, I’m going to put my glasses on.

Have a good week - MB

    April 28, 2023

FRIDAY, APRIL 28th, 2023 - Due to current economic conditions the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off! -

SUNDAY, APRIL 30th, 2023 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 - This Sunday will be a Jazz Service hosted by Julian Anderson Bowes & Friends.

MISSION CAPSULE: When we give to Presbyterians Sharing … we express our faith, proclaiming God’s love, hope and grace through the decisions we make and the actions we take. Together we support congregations, theological colleges, camps, presbyteries, synods and specialized ministries as they nurture disciples and share our faith. We help leaders explore new models of ministry, and we help people experiencing barriers to traditional social engagement overcome them in innovative ways. Through mission staff and grants, we accompany international mission partners. We live out God’s call for justice by collaborating with ecumenical and interfaith partners to speak out against injustice, advocate for human rights and care for creation around the world. God does remarkable things with the gifts we give.

SATURDAY, MAY 5th, 2023 – 7:30 – WITH HEART AND VOICE – Singing Coronation in Postcolonial Canada. A hymn festival presented by the St. Andrew’s United Choir and festival orchestra. St. Andrew’s United Church, 117 Bloor Street East. Free Admission. Seating is limited, reserve in advance -

MONDAY, APRIL 31st, 2023 - Theology on Tap at the Beacher Café at 7:00

WEDNESDAY, MAY 2nd, 2023 - Beaches Prayer Group will meet in the prayer room.

SATURDAY, MAY 20th, 2023 - SPRING THAW CONCERT – Beaches Presbyterian Church

SUNDAY, MAY 28th, 2023 - Jazz Service

Quotable quotes;

There is a time to let things happen and a time to make things happen
- Hugh Prather

Our lives are defined by opportunities, even the ones we miss.
- F. Scott Fitzgerald

You can’t steal second base and keep your foot on first
- Frederick Wilcox

Without courage all other virtues lose their meaning
- Winston Churchill

Have a good week - MB

    April 21, 2023

FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 2023 - “It’s never too late to be who you might have been.” George Eliot

SATURDAY, APRIL 22nd, 2023 - Toronto Beach Chorale present Requiem – G.Faure and Lux Aeterna – M. Lauridsen at Knox Presbyterian Church 630 Spadina Avenue….7:30 PM …. Adults $30.00 Youth $15.00

SUNDAY, APRIL 23rd, 2023 - Glen Stewart Ravine Spring Clean up – 10:00 – 3:00. Meet at the Beech Avenue entrance. Bring your own gloves, bags – treats will be provided.

SUNDAY, APRIL 23rd, 2023 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.

COMING UP: SUNDAY, APRIL 30th, 2023 AND SUNDAY, MAY 28th, 2023 - Jazz Services hosted by Julian Anderson Bowes

SATURDAY, MAY 20th, 2023 - Spring Thaw Concert featuring Emily Schultz, Zinnia and Ewen Farncombe

MISSION CAPSULE: In Malawi, poor, overused soil and low rainfall have made it difficult for Elena to farm her fields. As a single mother, Elena is the breadwinner of her family. A healthy crop yield is essential to her livelihood and being able to provide for them, so Elena decided to participate in a PWS&D supported project which taught farmers conservation agriculture techniques to conserve and improve their soil and better retain moisture. “My yields improved immediately in the second season. I plan to extend the cultivation area with the manure application and hope to have a good crop stand. This will increase access to food for my family and to financial resources to cater to other basic household needs” said Elena. Today she teaches fellow farmers in her community about the benefits of conservation agriculture.

MONDAY, APRIL 24th, 2023 - Theology on Tap will meet at the Beacher Café at 7:00

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26th, 2023 - Beaches Prayer Group will meet in the prayer room at 9:30


TEACHER: Glen why do you always get so dirty?
GLEN: Well, I’m, a lot closer to the ground than you are.

TEACHER: George Washington not only chopped down his father’s cherry tree, but also admitted it. Now, Louis, do you know why his father didn’t punish him?
LOUIS: Because George still had the axe in his hand.

TEACHER: Now, Simon, tell me frankly, do you say prayers before eating?
SIMON: No sir, I don’t have to, my Mum is a good cook.

TEACHER: Clyde, your composition on ‘my dog’ is exactly the same as your brother’s. Did you copy his?
CLYDE: No sir, It’s the same dog.

TEACHER: Harold what do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested?
HAROLD: A teacher.

Have a good week MB

    April 14, 2023

FRIDAY, APRIL 14th, 2023 - “Don’t talk unless you can improve the silence” Jorge Luis Borges

SATURDAY, APRIL 15th, 2023 - Historical Walk with Gene Domagala – 1:00 – starting at St. John’s Catholic Church – this walk will head west along Kingston Road to St. John’s Norway, Anglican Church

SUNDAY, APRIL 16th, 2023 - First Sunday after Easter - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.

MISSION CAPSULE: Supported by gifts to Presbyterians Sharing … the PCC’s New Beginnings program facilitates a renewal process that helps congregations discern God’s call for their future and create a plan to move forward. With the help of the program the rural congregation of St. James Presbyterian Church, North Yarmouth, in southwestern Ontario successfully brought their church community closer together and found new ways to reach out to their neighbours such as through a partnership with a local charity called Harvest Bowl, which collects vegetables that would otherwise be thrown away and repurposes the ingredients to create dry soup mixes for distribution to food banks and shelters.

MONDAY, APRIL 17th, 2023 - Theology on Tap will gather at 7:00 at The Beacher Café or on Zoom. The book being discussed is Jesus and the Disinherited by Howard Thurman.

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19th, 2023 - Beaches Prayer Group will gather in the prayer room at 9:30


SUNDAY, APRIL 30th, 2023 - SUNDAY, MAY 28th, 2023 - Jazz Services hosted by Julian Anderson Bowes & Friends

SATURDAY, MAY 5th, 2023 - With Heart and Voice Singing Coronation in Postcolonial Canada – a free concert – St. Andrew’s United Church, 117 Bloor Street East, Toronto

Don’t forget our Community Pantry – you can donate any non-perishable food items for people in need in the community.


FOR SALE BY OWNER – Complete set of Encyclopedia Britannica, 45 volumes. Excellent condition 200. or best offer. No longer needed, got married, wife knows everything.

Children are quick:

Teacher: Why are you late?
Student: Class started before I got here.

Teacher: John, why are you doing your math multiplication on the floor?
John: You told me to do it without using tables.

Teacher: Glenn, how do you spell ‘crocodile?
Glenn: K-R-O-K-O-D-I-A-L
Teacher: No, that’s wrong
Glenn: Maybe it is wrong but you asked me how I spell it.

Teacher: Donald, what is the chemical formula for water?
Donald: H I J K L M N O.
Teacher: What are you talking about?
Donald: yesterday you said it’s H to O.

Teacher: Winnie, name one important thing we have today that we didn’t have ten years ago.
Winnie: Me

Have a good week MB

    April 5, 2023

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5th, 2023 - “Don’t ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you are not willing to move your feet” Unknown

THURSDAY, APRIL 6th, 2023 - 6:00 – Pot luck dinner – soup, fruit, cheese & bread.

7:00 – Tennebrae service – readings and communion

FRIDAY, APRIL 7th, 2023 - Good Friday service – 10:00 am

SUNDAY, APRIL 9th, 2023 - EASTER SUNDAY SERVICE – 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading

Following the service, Debbie Murray will be hosting a fund raising bake sale.



    March 31, 2023

SUNDAY, APRIL 2nd, 2023 - PALM SUNDAY – Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.

MISSION CAPSULE - Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, pastors and church workers of the Reformed Church in Transcarpathia, Western Ukraine have been serving tirelessly providing spiritual support to those who remained and warmly welcoming refugees and internally displaced people from Eastern and Central Ukraine. Recognizing the dedication and work of these faithful servants, the Reformed Church in Hungary established a solidarity fund and invited partner churches to join in providing encouragement and financial support. The PCC through Presbyterians Sharing … along with the First Hungarian Presbyterian Church in East Toronto, Ontario responded by contributing to the fund, which aims to support 100 pastors and church staff in Transcarpathia with a monthly financial supplement of $360 CAD.


MONDAY, APRIL 3RD, 2023 - Theology on Tap will NOT be meeting this week or next week, Easter Monday.

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5th, 2023 - Beaches Prayer Group will gather at 9:30 in the prayer room.

THURSDAY, APRIL 6th, 2023 – Maundy Thursday potluck dinner 6:00 and service 7:00. Traditionally the dinner is homemade soups; fruit, cheese and Breads



NOTE: For all you gardeners, we have been given a very large bag of seed packages – they have been sorted into groups and are on the prayer room table – please help yourself.

COMING UP – APRIL 30TH AND MAY 28TH – jazz services hosted by Julian Anderson Bowes & friends.

Have a blessed week MB

    March 23, 2023

THURSDAY, MARCH 23rd, 2023 - “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there”
Lewis Carroll

FRIDAY, MARCH 24th & SATURDAY, MARCH 25th, 2023 - Rock Fest at Guildwood GO Station parking lot. Presented by Beaches Jazz Festival.

SUNDAY, MARCH 26th, 2023 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.

MISSION CAPSULE: In Haiti, PWS&D is supporting farmers and their families. As a farmer, 62 year old Emmanuel Joseph has experienced changes to his land for decades. When Emmanuel joined a farmer’s collective supported by PWS&D in 2013, he began learning conservation agriculture practices like composting and crop rotation. Now Emmanuel’s garden produces more and better food year round and his wife is able to bring produce to the market to sell. Projects focusing on food security benefit farmers and their loved ones by providing education and resources to help achieve better food security and address the impacts of climate change – both now and in the future.

NOTE: Please be aware of a scam using PWS&D’S name and share this information. We are aware of at least one instance of a member of a Presbyterian congregation receiving a phone call pressuring them to donate to PWS&D (and the Presbyterian Church in Canada) do not solicit funds over the phone, demanding that banking information be shared. The only instance someone from the PCC will call a donor is if card information used for monthly donations needs to be updated or information mailed to the church needs to be clarified. Be careful and do not fall prey to people using PWS&D’s (or the PCC’s) names in fraudulent attempts to solicit funds. If you are ever in doubt, hang up and call the national office at 1-800-619-7301. If this happens to you please also report it to the national office.

MONDAY, MARCH 27th, 2023 - Theology on Tap is a conversation for people interested in the place of religion in today’s world. We gather in casual environments, usually the Beacher Café, but sometimes the topics take us to other places. Conversation is stimulated by books, articles, films, art and news events. We’ll be discussing the forward and chapters 2, 3 & 4 of the book “Jesus and the Disinherited” by Howard Thurman on the 27th at the Beacher. Some gather for dinner at 6:30 and the discussion begins at 7:00. We will not be meeting on April 3rd, Holy Week or on April 10th, Easter Monday.

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29th, 2023 - Beaches Prayer Group will meet in the prayer room at 9:30

British Humour is different:

These are classified ads, which were actually placed in U.K. newspapers.


8 years old

Hateful little bastard



1/2 cocker spaniel, 1/2 sneaky neighbour’s dog


Mother is a Kennel Club registered German Shepherd

Father is a Super Dog, able to leap tall fences in a single bound


Also one gay bull for sale


Must sell Washer and dryer 100 pounds!


Worn once by mistake

Call Stephanie

Have a good week - MB

    March 10, 2023

FRIDAY, MARCH 10th, 2023 - “Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good. Luckily this is not difficult!”
Charlotte Whitton


SUNDAY, MARCH 12th, 2023 - Third Sunday of Lent – join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading - we will celebrate communion.

MISSION CAPSULE: When Sieglinde – a single mother living in the Little Burgundy area of Montreal first arrived in Canada, she wasn ‘t sure where to turn for help to integrate her son into their new surroundings. Tyndale St. Georges Community Centre provided a safe space where she and her son received the assistance they needed. “My son learned so much from his experience at Tyndale – how to be independent and play with other children, how to be confident and learn to regulate his emotions. But most importantly, he was happy. Gifts to Presbyterians Sharing … are helping Tyndale St. Georges have a positive impact in the lives of people in the community of Little Burgundy.

NOTE: This Sunday Debbie Murray will be hosting a bake sale after church.

NOTE: The church’s new handy man, Patrick Reilly, is looking for an apartment and can afford $1600 per month. Since he has been homeless for the past couple of years and had had his ID stolen, it will be virtually impossible for him to find one on his own. If any of you have an apartment, or know of an apartment to rent, please get in touch with Peter McKinnon and give him the details to pass on to Patrick.

MONDAY, MARCH 13th, 2023 - Theology on Tap will gather via Zoom OR at the Beacher Café at 7:00

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15th, 2023 - Beaches prayer group will gather in the prayer room at 9:30

Upcoming Services …..

THURSDAY, APRIL 6th, 2023 - Pot Luck dinner of soup & salad followed by Maundy Thursday service in the sanctuary

FRIDAY, APRIL 7th, 2023 - Good Friday service at 10:00

SUNDAY, APRIL 9th, 2023 - Easter Service

TWO JAZZ SERVICES plus a SPRING THAW CONCERT - watch for details.


It’s not whether you win or lose but how you place the blame!

The original point and click was a Smith a Wesson!

Red meat is not bad for you – fussy geen meat is bad for you!

We are born naked, wet and then things get worse!

If at first you don’t succeed, skydiving is not for you

Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.

Have a good week - MB

    March 2, 2023

THURSDAY, MARCH 2nd, 2023 - “The most difficult thing in the world is to know how to do a thing and to watch someone else do it wrong, without comment!” T. H. White

SATURDAY, MARCH 4th, 2023 - Jazz & Reflection at Beach United Church – 4:30 – Summertime at the Beach - join Paul Novotny and Robi Botos for jazz originals and favourites.

SUNDAY, MARCH 5th, 2023 - Second Sunday in Lent - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.

MISSION CAPSULE: In Pakistan, Gauri learned how to cut and sew at an early age. As an adult, this knowledge allowed Gauri to contribute to her family’s income by working as a seamstress. After her husband was killed in an accident, Gauri’s income was not enough to provide for her family on her own. Gauri was selected for a PWS&D project that provides emergency food assistance to families in need, as well as longer term support through small business training and development. The food aid the family received made it possible for Gauri to save a portion of her monthly income that would have otherwise been spent on food. With the money she saved, Gauri was able to further her child’s education and stock her tailoring shop with more materials.

MARCH BIRTHDAYS - Michael Brett, Tineke Jorritsma, Maureen Monk, Gary Lyon, Marlene Barnett

MONDAY, MARCH 6th, 2023 - Theology on Tap will gather via Zoom and/or at the Beacher Café at 7:00

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8th 2023 - Beaches Prayer Group will meet at 9:30 in the prayer room.


The donkey told the tiger, “The grass is blue”

The tiger replied, “no, the grass is green”

The discussion became heated and the two decided to submit the issue to arbitration, so they approached the lion.

As they approached the lion on his throne, the donkey started screaming: “Your Highness, isn’t it true that the grass is blue?”

The lion replied: “If you believe it is true, then the grass is blue”

The donkey rushed forward and continued: “This tiger disagrees with me, contradicts me and annoys me. Please punish him”

The king then declared, “the tiger will be punished with three days of silence”

The donkey jumped with joy and went on his way, content and repeating, “The grass is blue, the grass is blue”

The tiger asked the lion “your Majesty, why have you punished me? After all, the grass is green”

The lion replied “You’ve known and seen the grass is green.”

The tiger asked, “so why do you punish me?”

The lion replied “that has nothing to do with the question of whether the grass is blue or green. The punishment is because it is degrading tor a brave, intelligent creature like you to waste time arguing with a donkey - and on top of that, you came and bothered me with that question just to validate something you already knew was true.”

The biggest waste of time is arguing with the fool and fanatic who doesn’t care about truth or reality, but only the victory of his beliefs and illusions. Never waste time on discussions that make no sense. There are people who, for all the evidence presented to them, do not have the ability to understand. Others are blinded by ego, hatred and resentment and the only thing that they want is to be right even if they aren’t.

When ignorance screams, intelligence moves on.


    February 24, 2023

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24th, 2023 - Four weeks from Monday is the first day of Spring…..

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26TH, 2023 - First Sunday of Lent - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26TH, 2023 - Toronto Beach Chorale, with professional orchestra and soloists in a performance of Vivaldi and the Italian Baroque at 2:00 at Beaches Presbyterian Church. Beaches members in the choir: Susan & George Kopulos and Peter McKinnon.

MISSION CAPSULE: With support from Presbyterians Sharing … the Newcomers Mission has faithfully been providing assistance and spiritual care to newly arrived immigrants and refugees in Peterborough, Ontario and the surrounding area since 2016. In recent months, the Newcomers Mission has expanded to offer a Ukrainian gathering program that has reached over 40 Ukrainians who fled to Canada because of the war in their country. It provides a place of belonging and care for people living through very difficult and vulnerable situations. Many have turned to this ministry for friendly conversation over a warm meal, assistance accessing services, as well as spiritual support and prayer. Through gifts to Presbyterians Sharing … the church is helping to “welcome the stranger”.

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27TH, 2023 - Lenten Study begins at 10:00 am over Zoom. You may download a free devotional guide. Please choose the interactive guide as this includes access to a Podcast, which will be the focus of the Monday morning discussions as well as the readings themselves. Free Lent Devotional Guides. Please reach out to Katherine if you are interested in participating so that she can share the zoom meeting link with you…..all are welcome.

NOTE: Check out the winter installations along the Beach – and two in the park at Glen Manor & Queen


By the time you are 80 years old you have learned everything. You only have to remember it! George Burns

Old age isn’t so bad when you consider the alternative Maurice Chevalier

I have reached an age when, if someone tells me to wear socks, I don’t have to Albert Einstein

When your friends begin to flatter you on how young you look, it’s a sure sign you’re getting old. Mark Twain

The idea is to die young as late as possible. Ashley Montagu

Have a good week MB

    February 16, 2023

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16th, 2023 - “There must be quite a few things a hot bath won’t cure, but I don’t know many of them.” Sylvia Plath

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18th, 2023 - Music for the Soul with Gillian Stone – Beach United Church – 4:30

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19th, 2023 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.

Annual Beaches General Meeting will take place in the sanctuary following the service. This is an important meeting – we need your input.

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20th, 2023 - FAMILY DAY – Free Community Skating Party at Ted Reeve Arena – 10:00 – 1:00 – FREE hot chocolate and popcorn. Please bring your own skates and helmets.

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21st, 2023 - Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper at St. Aidan’s on Queen – 5:30 – 7:00

MISSION CAPSULE: Climate change, conflict and COVID have combined to create a global food crisis where 50 million people in 45 countries suffer from acute hunger. PWS&D with Canadian Foodgrains Bank and ACT Alliance, is responding in South Sudan, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia – countries where hunger needs are worsening daily. This crisis has disproportionately adverse effects on women and girls who make up 60% of those affected by food insecurity. Without proper nutrition, women can experience higher mortality rates for themselves and their children. With support from the church PWS&D distributes food packages with essential nourishing items and provides families with cash assistance helping ensure that families are fed.

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22nd, 2023 - Ash Wednesday Service – 7:00 – Beginning of Lent

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26th, 2023 - Toronto Beach Chorale, with professional orchestra. Soloists Jennifer Kraffe, Soprano, Rachel Miller, Alto, in a concert performance of “Vivaldi and the Italian Baroque” - 2:00 - Adults $30:00 Youth $15:00

At Beaches Presbyterian Church NOT Kingston Road United.


The important thing to remember is that I’m probably going to forget - unknown

As you get older three things happen. The first is your memory goes, and I can’t remember the other two
Sir Norman Wisdom

Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that the people who have the most live the longest
Larry Lorenzon

The older I get, the better I used to be
Lee Trevino

I don’t feel old. I don’t feel anything until noon. Then it’s time for my nap.
Bob Hope

I’m 59 and people call me middle-aged. How many 118 year old men do you know?
Barry Cryer

Have a good week M

    February 10, 2023

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10th, 2023 - “Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience; this is the ideal life.”
Mark Twain

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2023 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading. We will celebrate communion.

MISSION CAPSULE: In many small rural communities in Ghana, lay preachers, evangelists and catechists play a crucial role. Under the direction of a district minister, who has many congregations under their care, lay leaders provide much needed spiritual leadership. While they share a deep commitment to their call to ministry and service in the church, many have not received formal theological training. To equip these lay leaders with helpful tools for effective ministry, the Presbyterian Church of Ghana established three Lay Training Centres which receive support through Presbyterians Sharing …

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13th, 2023 - Theology on Tap will NOT meet this evening.

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15th, 2023 - Beaches Prayer Group will gather in the prayer room at 9:30

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19th, 2023 - Beaches Annual General Meeting following worship. Bring a sandwich.

NOTE: We – Susan Kopulos, Peter McKinnon and I, have made four windows to hang in front of the south windows in the sanctuary. They have been finished for some time but we need a carpenter to build the frames. Originally John Struthers was planning to build them as he did the ones in the Glen Manor windows. We have the wood, but so far anyone we have asked has turned us down. SO if you know of a good carpenter would you let one of us know.

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22nd, 2023 - Ash Wednesday service.


Always be nice to your children because they are the ones who will choose your retirement home.
Phyllis Diller

Nice to be here? At my age it’s nice to be anywhere.
George Burns

Aging seems to be the only available way to live a long life.
Kitty O’Neill Collins

Old people shouldn’t eat health foods. They need all the preservatives they can get.
Robert Orben

At age 20, we worry about what others think of us …. At age 40, we don’t care what they think of us ….. at age 60, we discover they haven’t been thinking of us at all!
Ann Landers

It’s paradoxical that the idea of living a long life appeals to everyone, but the idea of getting old doesn’t appeal to anyone.
Andy Rooney

Have a good week MB

    February 3, 2023

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd, 2023 - “The Word. For the word of God in Scripture; For the word of God among us; For the word of God within us; Thanks be to God”

Today is “Feed the Birds Day”. Food for birds becomes scarce during the depths of winter in the northern hemisphere. The best food sources are black oil sunflower seeds, peanuts and suet, offering vital energy, protein and fat.

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4th, 2023 - Jazz & Reflections at Beach United Church – 4:30 – featuring jazz singer Faith Amour and guitarist Eric St. Laurent.

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 5th, 2023 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.

MISSION CAPSULE; For over 75 years, PWS&D has faithfully responded to serve those in need around the world. Together with our partners we are making a positive difference. We are working together to care for the poor, sick and vulnerable, helping restore human dignity, ease the pain of want and promote community cooperation that benefits all. As people of faith, we are responding to Christ’s call to walk with the distressed and marginalized, and work towards equality, human dignity, peace and care for God’s creation. United, we are working towards a world that is sustainable, compassionate and just.

FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS - Klaas Kraay, Don Anderson , Liz vanZanden, Sybil Hiraishi

BEACHES NEWS; Several years ago, Dawna Duff one of our elders, turned on her pottery wheel and designed and made our communion cups, communion plates and the Blessing Bowl in memory of a loved one. Before Covid the Blessing Bowl represented an opportunity for the congregation to celebrate and/or reflect on particular blessings they have enjoyed in the recent past and perhaps give a little extra in response. Session has decided to put this into practice again. If you put your donation in an envelope with your name on it, our Treasurer can issue a charitable receipt. Organizations that we will be supporting will be announced each Sunday.

MORE: Debbie Murray will be hosting a Bake Sale one Sunday in February – all proceeds to go to Beaches Church.

AND MORE: Our Girl Guides, with the help of elder Heather Crisp, have been given permission by the city to plant a “Pollinator Garden” on our property in the spring. Watch for more news of this endeavour.

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6th, 2023 - Theology on Tap will gather at the Beacher Café at 7:00 – also available on Zoom

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8th, 2023 - Beaches Prayer Group will gather at 9:30 in the Prayer Room

Check out the refurbished washroom by the Prayer Room – compliments of Peter McKinnon and Don Anderson.

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22nd, 2023 - Ash Wednesday

MORE PUNS: An armed man ran into a real estate agency and shouted: “Nobody move”

Why did the Mexican take anti-anxiety medication? For Hispanic attacks

I asked the surgeon if I could administer my own anesthetic. He said, “Sure, knock yourself out”!

I got into a fight today with 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9. The odds were really against me.

In Britain it’s called a lift but Canadians call it an elevator. I guess we were just raised differently.

The Almighty said to John, “Come forth and ye shall receive eternal life” But John came fifth and got a toaster instead.

I have two unwritten rules: 1, 2

Have a good week – stay warm MB

    January 26, 2023

THURSDAY, JANUARY 26th, 2023 - “Education is when you read the fine print, experience is what you get if you don’t”. Pete Seeger

SUNDAY, JANUARY 29th, 2023 - Join us for worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.

COMING UP: Annual General Meeting – Sunday, February 19th, 2023 – following worship. Committee reports are needed as soon as possible – please forward to Julian.

ASH WEDNESDAY - Beginning of Lent

MISSION CAPSULE: One day, a neighbour asked the Rev. Tim Choi, Executive Director of Edmonton Urban Native Ministry in Alberta: “What difference has the ministry made after all these years?” This prompted the Rev. Tim to think about the impact the ministry has had on indigenous people in Edmonton’s Eastwood community. He reflected that the journey towards healing and reconciliation must be like a long and flowing river. The harm caused by generations past requires many future generations to heal. In this sense, Edmonton Urban Native Ministry is like a little brook that runs alongside this river. God has shaped this ministry into a place of hope for all who gather here. Gifts to Presbyterians Sharing … are helping us on the path to healing and reconciliation through indigenous ministries like EUNM.

OF NOTE: In 1959, a coffee maker was an optional extra in Volkswagen cars…..

AND THIS - If ever there is a tomorrow, when we are not together. There is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we are apart, I’ll always be with you.
--Winnie the Pooh


I never thought orthopedic shoes would really work for me. But I stand corrected.

Once upon a time there was a king who was only twelve inches tall. He was a terrible king but he made a great ruler.

A Mexican magician says he will disappear on the count of 3. He says: “uno, dos …” Poof. He disappeared without a tres.

I wrote a book on how to fall down the stairs. It’s a step by step guide.

My son was chewing on electric cords, so I had to ground him. It’s OK, though. He’s doing better and conducting himself properly.

My friend claims that he “accidentally” glued himself to his autobiography, but I don’t believe him. But that’s his story and he’s sticking to it.

Have a good week - MB

    January 20, 2023

FRIDAY, JANUARY 20th, 2023 - “The trouble with learning from experience is that you never graduate.” Doug Larson

SUNDAY, JANUARY 22nd, 2023 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.

BEACHES ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING – SUNDAY,FEBRUARY 19th, 2023 - Following worship. Committee Reports are due, please forward to Julian.

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22ND, 2023 - Ash Wednesday Service

MISSION CAPSULE: In Nepal, 51 year old Lahia Tharu was suffering from a numb left foot. Lahia first sought help from a traditional healer – a practice common in rural Nepal. When the condition of her foot did not improve she went to a nearby hospital. Tests confirmed that Lahia had leprosy and referred her to the PWS&D supported Shining Hospital. There she received medication and treatment and was sent home to recover. Reflecting upon her experience, Lahia said that she is thankful and happy for the treatment that was provided.

OF INTEREST - Photographer Daniel S. Sorine took a picture of two mimes in 1974 and 35 years later discovered one of them was Robin Williams before he was famous.

MONDAY, JANUARY 23rd, 2023 - Theology on Tap will gather at 7:00 on Zoom AND at the Beacher Café

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25th, 2023 - Beaches Prayer Group will gather at 9:30 in the prayer room.


With her marriage, she got a new name and a dress.

Police were summoned to a daycare center where a three year old was resisting a rest.

A bicycle can’t stand alone; it’s two tired.

He had a photographic memory but it was never fully developed.

I didn’t like my beard at first. Then it grew on me.

When she saw her first strands of gray hair she thought she’d dye.

I stayed up all night to see where the sun went and then it dawned on me.

I’m reading a book about anti-gravity. I just can’t put it down.

Have a good week. MB

    January 13, 2023

FRIDAY, JANUARY 13th, 2023 - “Are we having fun yet?” Carol Burnett

NOTE: A nice little article in the latest Beach Metro News about Beaches Presbyterian ….

SUNDAY, JANUARY 15TH, 2023 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – do come in person – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.

MISSION CAPSULE: Although Taiwan has been governed independently since 1949, China views the island as a renegade province and has exercised political and military powers to isolate it internationally. In 2018, due to the rising geopolitical tensions, the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan established the Taiwan Ecumenical Forum (TEF) and invited ecumenical and church partners to journey with them in pursuit of justice and peace for the people of Taiwan and the Asia-Pacific. The Rev. Linda Patton-Cowie, PCC representative of the TEF Steering Group, encourages members of the church to pray, learn and advocate for justice for Taiwan. Through Presbyterians Sharing … the PCC stands in solidarity with Taiwan.

COMING UP: SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19th, 2023 - Beaches Annual General Meeting – following worship. Committee reports are now due – please forward to Julian.

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22nd, 2023 - Ash Wednesday service

INTERESTING ITEM: Ben Franklin left $2000.00 to the cities of Boston and Philadelphia in his will to help young tradesmen, but they could not draw the balance for 200 years. In 1990, it was worth $6.5 million. The money has been used to fund scholarships, women’s health, and help firefighters and disabled children.

MONDAY, JANUARY 16th, 2023 - Theology on Tap will gather via Zoom at 7:00

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18th, 2023 - Beaches Prayer Group will gather in the prayer room at 9:30

AND - Although not in the dictionary, it is reported that “Lexophile” describes a person who loves sentences such as, “You can tune a piano, but you can’t tuna fish” and “to write with a broken pencil is pointless”. An annual competition is held by the New York Times to see who can create the best original lexophile. These are this year’s submissions: ……

I changed my iPod’s name to Titanic. It’s syncing now.

England has no kidney bank but it does have a Liverpool

Haunted French pancakes give me the crepes

This girl today said she recognized me from the Vegetarians Club, but I’d swear I’ve never met herbivore

I know a guy who’s addicted to drinking brake fluid, but he says he can stop any time

A thief who stole a calendar got twelve months

I got some batteries that were given out free of charge.

A Will is a dead giveaway.

A dentist and a manicurist married. They fought tooth and nail.

Have a good week - MB

    January 5, 2023

THURSDAY, JANUARY 5th, 2023 - “I have tried to know absolutely nothing about a great many things and I have succeeded fairly well”
Robert Benchley

SUNDAY, January 8th, 2023 - Epiphany Sunday - join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading. We will celebrate communion.

MISSION CAPSULE: Adau Maduak Dut lives in South Sudan with her four children. She struggled to make ends meet after her husband left the family. Her life improved after receiving assistance through a project, supported by PWS&D and Canadian Foodgrains Bank, that provides food packages to struggling families in South Sudan. “I knew immediately that my children would not have to suffer again since we had food and were equipped with the seeds and tools to start a fresh life.”

JANUARY BIRTHDAYS - Erin Sclisizzi, Tory Hoff, Robyn Allin, Jill Hutchinson

NOTE: Beaches Annual General Meeting will take place in February – date to be confirmed – Julian will be looking for reports from each group as soon as possible.

In England, in the 1930”s, a “knocker-upper” was someone whose purpose was to wake people up during a time when alarm clocks were expensive and not very reliable. They earned about six pence a week using a pea shooter to shoot dried peas at the windows of sleeping workers in East London. She would not leave a window until she was sure that the workers had woken up.

MONDAY, JANUARY 9th, 2023 - Theology on Tap will gather again at 7:00 via Zoom

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11th, 2023 - Beaches Prayer Group will gather at 9:30 in the prayer room.


“We must recognize that as we grow older, we become like old cars – more and more repairs and replacements are necessary” C.S.Lewis

“The older we get, the fewer things seem worth waiting in line for” Will Rogers

“To get back to my youth I would do anything in the world, except exercise, get up early, or be respectable” Oscar Wilde

“The older I get, the more clearly I remember things that never happened.” Mark Twain

“Old age is like a plane flying through a storm. Once you are aboard there is nothing you can do about it” Golda Meir

“Wisdom doesn’t necessarily come with age. Sometimes, age just shows up all by itself.” Tom Wilson

Have a good week MB