WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5th, 2018 - “The older a person gets, the farther they had to walk to school as a child.” Anonymous
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8th, 2018 - Deck the trees of Glen Stewart Ravine – 10:30 – 11:30 am – Bird friendly tree decorating, scavenger hunt and more. Refreshments and materials provided. Meet at the Glen Manor entrance to the Ravine.
Holiday Craft Market and Bake Sale at St. Aidan’s Church, - 10:00 – 3:00 - Art Exhibit and Art Sale.
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9th, 2018 - Second Sunday of Advent – Join us for morning worship at 10:00 Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading. We will celebrate Communion. We will be writing letters for Amnesty International.
After worship, Beaches Choir CD’s will be offered for sale in the Narthex! There are four professionally produced CD’s – including a CD of Christmas music. Prices are too good to pass up – great gifts.
MISSION CAPSULE: In many parts of the world, girls face barriers to education and other opportunities to earn a living. In Afghanistan, Zarmina felt frustrated by her community’s belief that a girl’s place is in the home and not in the classroom. In an effort to make life better for her daughters, Zarmina participated in gender equality training with PWS&D partners. Zarmina shared what she learned about a child’s right to an education with other mothers, fathers and village leaders. As a result of her advocacy, the community now supports girl’s education. “We hope that one day there will be no child out of school, not only in our community, but in the entire country.”
MONDAY, DECEMBER 10th, 2018 - Theology on Tap are not meeting this evening. It will resume in January.
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11th, 2018 - Advent Service – Lecto Divina – 7:00 - Bible Study and Communion
Carolling in the Park at Glen Stewart Park. 7:30 – 8:30 - Carol singing, hot chocolate and cider. Salvation Army Band.
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14th, 2018 - 7:30 - Beaches Women’s Pot Luck and Concert. Featuring Hugh Donnelly and David Linderman of The Lost Pilgrims. Please bring finger food to share.
Coming up:
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21st, 2018 - Longest Night Service – 7:30 – A quiet service of reflection, prayer and healing
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23rd, 2018 - 3:30 - Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” reading, with Tom Allen; Richard Waugh and Barbara Croall AND Wes Allen bass, Evan Cartwright drums; Aaron Comeau Guitar; Barbara Croall Pipigwan; Lori Gemmell harp AND The Fezziwig Singers. Tickets $25:00 – part of the proceeds will go to support the Indigenous Ministries of the PCC
For Christmas Carol we need food, it’s become a tradition….. Please bring homemade cookies; squares and scones. For further information see Debbie Murray.
The soldier who survived mustard gas and pepper spray is now a seasoned veteran.
The midget fortune-teller who escaped from prison was a small medium at large.
A sign on the lawn at a drug rehab center said: Keep off the Grass.
I wondered why the baseball kept getting bigger. Then it hit me.
If you jumped off the bridge in Paris, you’d be in Seine.
Have a good week - MB
November 29, 2018
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29th, 2018 - “I’m at an age where my back goes out more than I do.” Phyllis Diller
Free Senior’s movie at the Fox – “The Wife” starring Glenn Close - doors open at 10:00 movie at 10:30
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1st, 2018 - 4:30 – 5:15 - Jazz & Reflection at Beach United – featuring Paul Novotny bass, Tom Reynolds, piano and Alana Bridgewater vocals.
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2nd, 2018 -- FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT – join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading. Advent Pot Luck lunch to follow.
MISSION CAPSULES: Soil gives life and supports livelihoods around the world. In Badin, Pakistan, Rabia’s life depends on access to rich, fertile soil – she needs it to grow the crops she sells each week at the market. But an especially dry summer has led to severe water shortages in her village. Rabia’s soil was too arid to yield the produce she needs. With support from PWS&D and Canadian Foodgrains Bank, Rabia has learned to adopt agricultural practices that use less water. She also received seeds to grow crops that can survive extended dry periods. “This is highly beneficial for farmers like me, who reside in water scarce areas.” shares Rabia.
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2nd, 2018 - Toronto Beach Chorale invites you to an uplifting concert celebrating the Christmas season. 7:30 - Kingston Road United Church. Tickets $25:00 or $30:00 at the door – cash only.
The TBC will be joined by a professional orchestra and guest soloists – enjoy Bach’s Cantata 147 (Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring) as well as Buxtehude’s Magnificat along with carols and motets by Bruckner, Hassler, Mendelssohn, Palestrina, Reger and Rachmaninov.
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4th, 2018 - 7:00 - Advent evening Lecto Divina Service
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5th, 2018 - 7:30 - Knox College Advent Service, Knox College Chapel featuring the Toronto Beach Chorale. See attached poster.
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14th, 2018 - 7:30 - Women’s Christmas dessert/coffee and concert. Featuring Hugh Donnelly and David Linderman of the Lost Pilgrims. In support of Arise ministries.
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23rd, 2018 - 3:30 - A Christmas Carol, with CBC’s Tom Allen, and special guests Richard Waugh and Barbara Croall. Musicians Wes Allen, bass, Evan Cartwright, drums, Aaron Comeau, guitar, Barbara Croall, pipigwan, and Lori Gemmell, Harp. $25:00
A dog gave birth to puppies near the road and was cited for littering.
A grenade thrown into a kitchen in France would result in linoleum blownapart.
A hole has been found in the nudist camp wall. The police are looking into it.
Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
Atheism is a non-prophet organization.
A backward poet writes inverse.
Have a good week - MB
November 23, 2018
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23rd, 2018 - “The four stages of man are infancy, childhood, adolescence, and obsolescence” Art Linkletter
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24th, 2018 - Christmas Fair at Calvary Baptist Church, Main Street, 10:00 – 2:00 – lots of crafts and gifts and the largest table of homemade food in the Beach.
AND – Soundwave Café at Beach United Church, 2:30 – 4:00 – featuring Canadian folk singer/songwriter Sarah Hiltz performing.
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 25th, 2018 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.
During Advent, Beaches Choir CD’s will be offered for sale. These wonderful CD’s make excellent stocking stuffers and/or Christmas gifts. They are being offered at $5:00 each.
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 25th, 2018 - 1:00 - Santa Claus parade on Kingston Road
MISSION CAPSULES: Did you know that you can find love letters among the thousands of documents housed in the Presbyterian Church in Canada’s Archives? Last year the Archives received a gift of 73 beautifully preserved, handwritten letters that revealed a year-long courtship over many miles between Dr. McQueen and his future wife, Miss Catherine Robertson of Strabane, Ontario. The Rev. McQueen served at First Presbyterian Church in Edmonton, arriving in 1887 and remaining for 43 years. Dr. McQueen was the only person to serve twice as Moderator of the General Assembly. Miss Robertson served as a missionary in Canada with the Women’s Missionary Society. David and Catherine’s exchanges date from September 1889 – September 1890. Through beautiful script containing poetry and prose, their growing love to one another is revealed as is their draw to western Canada and a mutual commitment to serve the church.
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26th, 2018 - Theology on Tap will meet at 7:00 at the Beacher Café. This will be the last meeting during Advent - plan to meet up again January 7th, 2019.
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29th, 2018 - Free Seniors’ movie – “The Wife” starring Glenn Close at the Fox. 10:30 am
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2nd, 2018 – Advent 1 - morning worship at 10:00 – followed by Advent Pot Luck lunch.
Also, Toronto Beach Chorale presents an uplifting concert celebrating the Christmas season. Music includes Bach’s Cantata 147 (Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring) as well as Buxtehude’s Magnificat. Carols and motets by Bruckner, Hasslet, Mendelssohn, Palestrina, Reger and Rachmaninov. - 7:30 - Kingston Road United Church. Admission $25:00 ($30:00 at the door)
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14th, 2018 - 7:30 – Women’s Pot Luck and concert. Dessert and goodies. Music presented by Hugh Donnelley and David Linderman of the Lost Pilgrims. This is in support of Arise Ministries.
The fattest knight at King Arthur’s round table was Sir Cumference. He acquired his size from too much pi.
I thought I saw an eye doctor on an Alaskan island, but it turned out to be an optical Aleutian.
A rubber band pistol was confiscated from algebra class, because it was a weapon of math disruption.
No matter how much you push the envelope, it’ll still be stationery.
Two silk worms had a race. They ended up in a tie.
Have a good week - M
November 15, 2018
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15th, 2018 - “Being a living legend is better than being a dead legend.” George Burns
Check out the variety of Christmas Craft Sales around our neighbourhood this weekend.
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18th, 2018 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.
MISSION CAPSULES: During the Advent season, we celebrate God’s amazing gift – Jesus!! This gift changed the world. Inspired by God’s overwhelming generosity, we too work to make a difference for our sisters and brothers across the globe. Each week of Advent, PWS&D challenges individuals and congregations to share the gifts of hope, peace, joy and love with those living in some of the most vulnerable communities in the world. In the midst of poverty, injustice and disaster, the Christ light shines. To help create bright futures through the Advent Challenge, visit
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 19th, 2018 - Theology on Tap at the Beacher Café – 7:00
NOTE: A pre-Christmas sale of special music in support of our Refugee Fund!
Beaches Choir CD’s will, once again, be offered for sale in the Narthex! Through the years, Beaches Choir has made a series of four professionally produced CD’s – including a CD of Christmas music.
Don’t miss this opportunity to support the Refugee Fund and to listen to this wonderful music. These CD’s make excellent Christmas gifts! $10:00 each OR two or more for $8:00 each.
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2nd, 2018 - Annual Advent Pot Luck lunch – there will be no sign up sheet so it will be a real Pot Luck!
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14th, 2018 - 7:30 – Women’s Pot Luck dinner and Concert – featuring Hugh Donnelly and David Linderman of The Lost Pilgrims. Bring food to share and your joy. This is in support of Arise Ministry.
Teacher: Maria, go to the map and find North America.
Maria: Here it is.
Teacher: Correct, now class, who discovered America?
Class: Maria
Teacher: John why are you doing your math on the floor?
John: You told me to do it without using tables.
Teacher: Donald, what is the chemical formula for water?
Donald: H I J K L M N O
Teacher: What are you talking about?
Donald: Yesterday you said it’s H to O
Teacher: Clyde, your composition on “My Dog” is exactly the same as your brother’s. Did you copy his?
Clyde: No Sir, it’s the same dog.
Teacher: Simon, tell me frankly, do you say prayers before eating?
Simon: No sir, I don’t have to, my Mom is a good cook.
Teacher: Harold, what do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested?
Harold: A teacher.
Have a good week - MB
November 8, 2018
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8th, 2018 - “You can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old.” George Burns
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9th, 2018 - “Music on Main” featuring the Malvern Senior Dance; Jazz Choir; and Malvern New Orleans Jazz Experience. Tickets $15.00 - Calvary Baptist Church, Main Street north of Kingston Road.
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10th, 2018 – Concert of Hope at Beach United Church – 7:30 – featuring the Shout Sister Choir performing blues, folk, jazz and gospel . Tickets $20:00
Time to Reflect: In an article in the Toronto Star last Saturday, The Highway of Heroes Tree Campaign was explained. This Sunday is the 100th anniversary of Armistice, the day the First World War ended. Three years ago a new campaign began to acknowledge the sacrifice of many Canadians who served in our Armed Forces during times of war – including 117,000 war dead. The Highway of Heroes Tree campaign aims to plant 117,000 trees along Highway 401 one for each Canadian war dead since 1812. As well, 1.8 million more trees will be planted – on the other side of the farmer’s fence – one for each Canadian who volunteered for military service during times of war. So far, 90,000 trees have been planted – 75,000 in the past couple of months. For more information –
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11th, 2018 - Join us for a Remembrance Day service at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading. We will celebrate communion.
Following the service please consider joining a group to rake the leaves and tidy up the property before the snow falls.
MISSION CAPSULES: One of the joys of international partnership is inviting young people from churches around the world to attend Canada Youth, the PCC’c biannual youth conference. This past summer, sixteen youth from Ghana, Malawi, Taiwan and – for the first time – Lebanon, visited Presbyterian Churches and experienced life in Canada. At Canada Youth, international and Canadian participants had an amazing inter-cultural experience, learning, sharing faith and having fun together. The international visitors participated in all activities with great enthusiasm! On a visit to the PCC’s national office on their last day, they passionately thanked everyone for this life-changing opportunity. Through Presbyterians Sharing … we provide hospitality to young people – followers of Jesus who live in every corner of God’s realm.
CHURCH BUSINESS: In order to keep us all comfortable in the pews, a very important piece of our boiler needed to be replaced – and as most of you know, these bits are not cheap. The work has been done at a cost of $7000.00. So, Stewardship and Finance are asking for prayer, consideration and some donations to help cover this expense.
COMING UP: SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2nd, 2018 - Annual Pot Luck Lunch. There will be no sign up sheet, so this will be a real Pot Luck surprise.
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2nd, 2018 - 7:30 – Toronto Beach Chorale celebrates the Christmas Season with an uplifting concert. They will present Bach’s Cantata 147 (Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring) as well as Buxtehude’s Magnificat along with carols and motets by Bruckner, Hassler, Mendelssohn, Palestrina, Eger and Rachmaninov. The choir will be joined by a professional orchestra and guest soloists. Kingston Road United Church – Tickets at the door – cash only. General $25.00 ($30.00 at the door).
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23rd, 2018 - 3:30 – Annual reading of Charles Dicken’s A Christmas Carol.
That’s it for me – have a good day and a good week. MB
November 1, 2018
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1st, 2018 - “When I was young, the Dead Sea was still alive.” George Burns
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd, 2018 - Jazz & Reflection - 4:30 – 5:15 – featuring Laila Bialia, internationally renowned jazz vocalist, accompanied by Ben Wittman. Beach United Church.
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4th, 2018 - Tom Allen’s “The Missing Pages” – Kingston Road United Church, - 1:30 - A concert play about the sole Canadian to meet Beethoven - $20:00 - $25:00 at the door.
AND - at 3:00 – Church of the Holy Trinity, Trinity Square – “Singing for our Lives”…..A Broken Hallelujah of Defiance, Anger and Hope. Join us for a multi faith singing event led by Wendy & Andrew Donaldson where we adapt the Psalms to sing out in anger, challenge oppression and embody our resistance. Refreshments at 2:30
MISSION CAPSULE: The youth at Grace Presbyterian Church in Calgary are bettering the health of their local community while also supporting the well being of the global community. Members of the congregation donated to PWS&D in support of the teens’ efforts to pick up litter, rake and sweep around the church’s property. In the end, the group collected five large bags of garbage and raised $932.00 for PWS&D. “We were encouraged by our faith in Christ’s love to share our gifts with the world,” shares Roberto DeSandoli, young adult ministry co-ordinator at Grace. Across Canada, Presbyterians are stewards of the blessings of God - sharing our gifts to build a more sustainable, compassionate and just world.
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4th, 2018 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.
T’is the season, almost, lots of Christmas Craft sales around the district.
A Christmas Carol – reading – watch for details.
Both don’t want any more kids Lori age 8
Dates are for having fun, and people should use them to get to know each other. Even boys have something to say if you listen long enough. Lynnette, age 8
On the first date, they just tell each other lies and that usually gets them interested enough to go for a second date. Martin, age 10
It’s better for girls to be single but not for boys. Boys need someone to clean up after them. Anita, age 9
There sure would be a lot of kids to explain, wouldn’t there? Kelvin, age 8
Tell your wife that she looks pretty, even if she looks like a dump truck Ricky, age 10
Have a good week - MB
October 25, 2018
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25th, 2018 - “Crossing the street in New York keeps old people young - if they make it! Andy Rooney
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27th, 2018 - Historical Walk with Gene Domagala – 1:00 – meet at St. John’s Norway Cemetery, at the northwest corner of Woodbine & Kingston Road.
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28th, 2018 - Glen Stewart Ravine Autumn Cleanup – 10:00 – noon – Meet at the Beech Avenue entrance just south of Kingston Road. Bring gloves and boots. Bags will be supplied.
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28th, 2018 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.
MISSION CAPSULES: Music is an important part of our worship and praise to God. In Ephesians 5:19, Paul encourages us to “Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord.” With support from Presbyterians Sharing … Knox Presbyterian Church in Weyburn, Saskatchewan, is engaging its community through a new music ministry called PALM: peace, art, love and music. Under the PALM banner, the congregation has hosted a variety of music and art-related events for all ages including a youth showcase night, which featured several local youth musicians and included an open-mic segment. Knox has also arranged for local bands, musicians and even puppet show performers to share their gifts at the church’s hot meal gathering, which provides food and entertainment to those living on the margins in their community.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 29th, 2018 - Theology on Tap – at the Beacher Café 7:00
COMING UP: November 4th, 2018 - Tom Allen’s “The Missing Pages” at Kingston Road United Church - 1:30 – A concert play about the sole Canadian to meet Beethoven. $20:00
You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like, if you like sports, she should like it that you like sports, and she should keep the chips and dip coming. Alan, age 10
No person really decides before they grow up who they’re going to marry. God decides it all way before, and you get to find out later who you’re stuck with. Kristen, age 10
Twenty-three is the best age because you know the person FOREVER by then. Camille, age 10
You might have to guess, based on whether they seem to be yelling at the same kids. Derrick, age 8
When they are rich. Pam, age 7
The law says you have to be eighteen, so I wouldn’t want to mess with that. Curt, age 7
The rule goes like this: If you kiss someone, then you should marry them and have kids with them. It’s the right thing to do. Howard, age 8
Have a good week MB
October 18, 2018
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18th, 2018 - “The bad part is that you have to grow old before somebody will tell you that you look young for your age” Milton Berle
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20th, 2018 - Great Pumpkin Giveaway at Kew Beach Public School. 1:00 -4:00 – Hot chocolate; face painting; balloon artist; bouncy castle and 250 free pumpkins.
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21ST, 2018 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading. We will be accepting donations for the local food bank during the service AND there will be a fire drill.
MISSION CAPSULES: Hummingbird Ministries is one of nine Presbyterian Indigenous ministries in Canada supported by gifts to Presbyterians Sharing … It is committed to bringing peace and healing to Indigenous families living in BC’s lower mainland. The ministry helps to restore hope by offering regular healing circles; working with the community in art and celebration; and providing educational and healing workshops, Bible studies, children’s art and music programs. Hummingbird Ministries also runs a children’s dance program in which Indigenous children are taught traditional Metis dances. Known as the Hummingbird Dancers, the children recently performed at a festival in East Vancouver in honour of National Indigenous Peoples Day, which recognized and celebrated the rich cultures of First Nations, Inuit and metis people in Canada.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 22nd, 2018 - Theology on Tap continues at the Beacher Café – 7:00!!
MONDAY, OCTOBER 22nd, 2018 - 10:00 – 8:00 – VOTE!!
Things I have learned -
That it’s not what happens to people that’s important, it’s what they do about it. Age 10
That even when I have pain, I don’t have to be a pain. Age 82
That success is more often the result of hard work than of talent. Age 59
That nothing really bad happens when you tear those little “do not remove” tags from pillows. Age 31
That I cannot expect others to solve my problems. Age 34
That if you care, it shows. Age 30
That animals can sometimes warm your heart better than people can. Age 15
Have a good week MB
October 10, 2018
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10th, 2018 - “I am ready to meet my maker. Whether my maker is prepared for the ordeal of meeting me is another matter.” Winston Churchill
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14th, 2018 - Leslieville Flea at the Ashbridge Estate.
AND – Birchcliff Village Day Out Autumn Celebration – live music, craft market, BBQ, fresh corn
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14th, 2018 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.
MISSION CAPSULES: Presbyterians across Canada share in the mission and ministry of the Presbyterian Church in Canada through gifts to Presbyterians Sharing … These gifts put faith into action by embracing local, national and international mission work; providing tools for faithful ministry; engaging in evangelism, outreach and discipleship; supporting biblical and theological reflection and dialogue; living out God’s call to justice; engaging in healing and reconciliation; empowering youth – and so much more! When we work together, we can accomplish far more than we ever could individually. Together, we are making a difference. “Mission and ministry are very much alive in the world and our church,” says Karen Plater, Associate Secretary for Stewardship & Planned Giving. “All of this is made possible by your generous gifts to Presbyterians Sharing …
MONDAY, OCTOBER 15th, 2018 - Theology on Tap at the Beacher Café – 7:00
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21st, 2018 - The Annual Marathon that involves Queen Street East, will be happening. This means you cannot park south of Queen.MONDAY,
NOTE: Julian Anderson Bowes is currently performing in China.
I have learned that you should say your prayers every night - Age 9
I have learned that you shouldn’t speak unless you can improve on the silence. Age 62
I have learned that people are in such a hurry to get to the “good life” that they often rush right past it. Age 72
I have learned that if you wish to do business with honest people, you must be an honest person. Age 55
I have learned that when things get easy, it’s easy to stop growing. Age 53
I have learned that you can never have too many friends. Age 16
Have a good week MB
September 27, 2018
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th, 2018 - “Life is what happens to you while you are making other plans.” John Lennon
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29th, 2018 - RIDE FOR REFUGE – you can still sign up to sponsor Katherine on her 25 km ride in support of Arise Ministries.
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30th, 2018 - The service of Induction for Rev. Katherine McCloskey - 1:30 - Music by Julian’s Trio. THERE WILL BE NO MORNING SERVICE TODAY.
AND – September 30th is Orange Shirt Day – orange shirts are worn to honour children who went to residential schools and to recognize the importance of survivors’ stories. It is an opportunity for communities to come together in the spirit of reconciliation and hope.
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2nd, 2018 - Julian Anderson Bowes and his trio will be part of the worship at Knox College Chapel at 4:15
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7th, 2018 - Thanksgiving Sunday – we will be doing a Thanksgiving Food Drive.
Have a good week - MB
September 6, 2018
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th, 2018 - “If you survive long enough, you’re revered - rather like an old building.” Katherine Hepburn
THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th, 7th & 8th, 2018 - Toronto Beaches Film Fest featuring films and documentaries from around the world. Tickets $12.00 or 2 for $20.00 - Beach United Church.
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9th, 2018 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading. We will celebrate communion.
MISSION CAPSULES: Theological education does not only occur in the classroom. Presbyterians Sharing … supports mission and intercultural experiences for staff and students of our theological colleges. In 2018 two faculty members and 11 students from Knox College visited the Evangelical Theological Seminary of Matanzas in Cuba. After an afternoon of interacting with young Cuban kids, one student shares that “no amount of reading could have exposed us to their reality.” Another student observed that “meeting with ministers, church members and youth and hearing the ways they seek to bring the hope of the Gospel into their communities and into the heart of their beloved homeland was a learning experience you cannot obtain through books or lectures”. One way to experience the beauty of God’s unfailing love is through encounters with God’s people in a genuine and meaningful way.
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10th, 2018 - Theology on Tap – 7:30 – at the Beacher Café
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29th, 2018 - RIDE FOR REFUGE - Ride or walk with me in the Ride for Refuge in support of hope and refuge for displaced, vulnerable and exploited people around the world. #ride 18.
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30th, 2018 - Service for induction for Rev. Katherine McCloskey, will take place at 1:30. There will be no morning service to allow all of us to join in the celebration. Donations of refreshments will be needed.
I have learned that when you remodel, everything costs twice as much and takes twice as long as you think it will. Age 48
I have learned that my daddy can say a lot of words I can’t. Age 8
I have learned that most of the things I worry about never happen. Age 64
I have learned that every great achievement was once considered impossible. Age 47
I have learned that the great challenge of life is to decide what’s important and to disregard everything else. Age 51
I have learned that lying in the green grass of an empty field makes you feel so good. Age 14
I have learned that if I’m in trouble at school, I’m in more trouble at home. Age 11
I have learned that regardless of colour or age, we all need the same amount of love. Age 37
Have a good week - MB
August 31, 2018
FRIDAY, AUGUST 31st, 2018 - “If you’re old enough to know better, you’re too old to do it” George Burns
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st, 2018 - Historical Walk with Gene Domagala – 1:00 – meet at Kingston Road United Church – the walk will proceed west along Kingston Road to the Ames Estate where the first municipal golf course was located.
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2nd, 2018 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 Rev. M.J. Perry leading.
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3rd, 2018 - THEOLOGY ON TAP - Even though this Monday is a holiday the Theology on Tap group have decided it would like to meet. We will gather as usual at The Beacher Café from 7:00 – 8:30 and will continue reading Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s book - Life Together. We didn’t quite finish chapter one last Monday but will definitely continue into chapter two.
MISSION CAPSULES: “Neither the students nor I were actually enjoying the lessons.” Inayatullah, a teacher at Zangue Girls School in Afghanistan, knew his lecture-based teaching style was ineffective. Since attending teacher-training workshops run by PWS&D partners, Inayatullah has learned to bring life to his lessons. After implementing more practical teaching methods, Inayatullah’s pupils are engaging in group activities, participating in lively discussions and better learning their lessons. With a greater sense of ownership over their education, they are gaining confidence, asking questions and voicing their opinions. By improving the quality of education, PWS&D is helping more children enjoy their studies and become leaders in their communities. “This is a tremendous achievement for both and students and me.” Inayatullah says with a smile.
NOTE: The refugee family Glenview sponsored through 2016-17 are residents of 650 Parliament Street – the building damaged by fire this week. They are in temporary shelter at a downtown hotel. They will extend until Monday or Tuesday. Glenview is looking for options for them, as it could be two or three months before they can be back in the building. Glenview have funds to cover any material needs but are looking for a place for them to live, if necessary, until they can move back or find another permanent residence. The family are two parents and three small children. Contact
THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th – 8th, 2018 - Toronto Beaches Film Fest at Beach United. Films and documentaries from around the world. Tickets $12.00 or 2 for $20.00. Info –
AND – SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 30th, 2018 - 1:30 – Service of induction for Rev. Katherine McCloskey at Beaches. There will not be a morning service on that day, so we can all be there to celebrate with Katherine. Donations of refreshments will be needed.
I’ve learned that the two happiest days of my life were the day I bought my boat and the day I sold my boat - age 42
I’ve learned that if you wait until all conditions are perfect before you act, you will never act. - age 64
I’ve learned that you shouldn’t confuse a black crayon with a Tootsie Roll. Age 10
I’ve learned that you don’t miss fighting with your sister until she has left for college. - age 14
I’ve learned that it always makes me feel good to see my parents holding hands. - age 13
I’ve learned that it’s impossible to take a ten day vacation without gaining ten pounds. Age 55
I’ve learned that love is a great investment. No matter whom you give it to, it returns great dividends. –age 67
Have a good week MB
August 23, 2018
THURSDAY, AUGUST 23rd, 2018 - “There are three signs of old age: loss of memory, ………….. I forget the other two”. Red Skelton
SATURDAY, AUGUST 25th, 2018 - Scarborough Central Lions 20th Annual Yard Sale & BBQ at Scarborough Arena Gardens Parking lot – Birchmount & Kingston Road 9:00 – 2:00
SUNDAY, AUGUST 26th, 2018 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.
MISSION CAPSULE: As a symbol of the Kingdom of God, Jesus shares the image of a small mustard seed that, when planted by a sower, turns into a large and life-giving tree. After helping to grow a successful new ministry at Heritage Green Family Church in Stoney Creek, Ontario, the Rev. David Moody has responded to God’s call to help other churches sow new ministry seeds. With the support of Presbyterians Sharing … through Canadian Ministries, The Presbytery of Hamilton has called the Rev. Moody to serve as a replanting minister, guiding and journeying with congregations as they discern and implement new visions for their ministries.
MONDAY, AUGUST 27th, 2018 - Theology on Tap will meet this week 7pm at The Beacher Cafe.
TUESDAY, AUGUST 28th, 2018 - Tuesdays at Fallingbrook – this will be their last Tuesday session – The Lost Pilgrims will lead worship. Dinner at 6:00 service at 7:00.
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29th, 2018 - Join us for a contemplative worship at 7:30.
Dear God: My teacher read us the part where all the jews went through where the water was and got away. Keep up the good work. I am jewish. Love Paula
Dear God: Church is alright but you could sure use better music I hope this does not hurt your feelling. Can you write some new songs. Your friend, Barry
Dear God: If you know Captain Kangaroo would you please get me to meet him. Thanking you. Ralph
Dear God: I am the only one in my class who is Chinese. They all say that you are American but I am too, so you could be Chinese right? Your friend Kim
Dear God: Do you get your angels to do all the work? Mommy say we are her angels and we have to do everything. Love Maria
Dear God: My friend Arthur says you make all the flowers. I don’t believe it. Best wishes, Benjamin
Dear God: When you started the earth and put people there and all the animals and grass and the stars did you get very tired? I have a lot of other questions too. Very truly yours, Sherman
Have a good week MB
August 16, 2018
THURSDAY, AUGUST 16th, 2018 - “The secret to staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly and lie about your age.” Lucile Ball
FRIDAY, AUGUST 17th, 2018 - CNE opens – end of summer.
SUNDAY, AUGUST 19th, 2018 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.
World Humanitarian Day is held each year on August 19th to honour those working to provide emergency aid and create a more peaceful and humane world. Emergency situations – either natural disaster or conflict – take a massive toll on communities. In war-torn countries, innocent civilians become caught in the crossfire, forced to flee with nothing. Large-scale environmental disasters create massive food shortages, displacement and disease. Dedicated partners at ecumenical networks such as Canadian Foodgrains Bank and the ACT Alliance enable PWS&D to respond to suffering caused by emergency situations around the world. On this day and every day, we are thankful for the spirit that inspires humanitarian work around the world.
MONDAY, AUGUST 20th, 2018 - Theology on Tap will not be meeting this evening – if you want to drop by for a discussion on whatever, join in at The Beacher Café.
TUESDAY, AUGUST 21st, 2018 - Tuesday’s at Fallingbrook continues with Rev. Jim Kitson – 7:00 ….. next Tuesday will be the last in this series – dinner at 6:00, worship at 7:00 led by The Lost Pilgrims.
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22nd, 2018 - Join us for a contemplative worship at 7:30 …
Dear God. If you do all these things you are pretty busy. Now here’s my question. When is the best time I can talk to you. I know you are always listening but when will you be listening hard in Troy, New York. Sincerely, Allen
Dear God: What is it like when you die. Nobody will tell me. I just want to know, I don’t want to do it. Your friend Mike
Dear Dear God. I think it is terrific the way they got the astronauts to go up to go around around the world pleased don’t let it fall on our house. Norman
Dear God. My name is Robert. I want a baby brother. My mother said to ask my father. My father said to ask you. Do you think you can do it. Good luck. Robert
Dear God. I got left back. Thanks a lot. Raymond
Dear God. My little brother is four years old. I wish you could please get him to stop driving me crazy. Your friend. Mark, age 7 ½
Have a good week MB
August 9, 2018
THURSDAY, AUGUST 9th, 2018 - “My one regret in life is that I am not someone else.” Woody Allen
SATURDAY, AUGUST 11th, 2018 - Historical Walk with Gene Domagala – 1:00 – Danforth Avenue from Woodbine to Dawes Road. Meet at the north east corner of Woodbine & Danforth.
SUNDAY, AUGUST 12th, 2018 - Leslieville Flea at the Ashbridge Estate – 10:00- 5:00 - vendors selling vintage, salvaged, furniture, antiques, collectibles, upcycled and handcrafted goods. Beer and food
SUNDAY, AUGUST 12th, 2018 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. M.J.Perry leading. We will celebrate communion.
MISSION CAPSULES: With the support of a coach, provided though gifts to Presbyterians Sharing … Eglise St.Luc’s leadership team in Montreal is learning ways to evangelize and foster discipleship beyond Sunday mornings. They started with one mid-week Bible sharing group, which quickly grew to three and now a fourth is in the works. Like Paul and Barnabas in Acts 13, members of Eglise St.Luc are actively sharing the gospel and the good news of Christ’s saving power is spreading “like wildfire all through the region”.
MONDAY, AUGUST 13th, 2018 - Theology on Tap at the Beacher Café – join us for lively discussions.
TUESDAY, AUGUST 14th, 2018 - Summer worship at Fallingbrook – 7:30 – Rev. Jim Kitson leading
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15th, 2018 - Beaches summer service - join us for contemplative worship at 7:30.
Dear God: We are going on vacation for two weeks Frieday so we won’t be in church. I hope you will be there when we get back. When do you take your vacation. Goodbye Donnie
Dear God: I have got to know something. What is it like in heaven? I know its nice but what kind of nice? What happens when it rains? Morty
Dear God: Are boys better than girls, I know you are one but try to be fair. Sylvia
Dear God: Could you write more stories. We have already read all the ones you have and begin again. Gratefully, Emily
Dear God: I wrote you before do you remember? Well I did what I promised but you did not send me the horse yet. What about it? Lewis
Dear God: Why can’t you even keep it from raining on Saturday all the time? Rose
Have a good week MB
August 2, 2018
THURSDAY, AUGUST 2nd, 2018 - “The old believe everything, the middle-aged suspect everything, the young know everything.! Oscar Wilde
FRIDAY, SATURDAY & SUNDAY, AUGUST 3rd – 5th, 2018 - Ravine Rambles, Jr. at Glen Stewart Ravine – 10:30 – 12:30. Hosted by Friends of Glen Stewart Ravine for children aged 3 – 6 or above, with a parent/caretaker. Discover some of the critters and plants, play games and make ravine art - teaching our families how to enjoy and take care of the ravine. Must register in advance on Eventbrite-Ravine Ramblers Jr.
SUNDAY, AUGUST 5th, 2018 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.
MISSION CAPSULE: With PWS&D support, children living in the rough neighbourhood surrounding Guatemala City’s garbage dump are accessing education at the Franciso Coll School. Students who excel qualify for scholarships to further their education, while other graduates pursue vocational training in order to achieve employment. A letter from a recent graduate is a testament to the importance of the project that is equipping students to pursue their dreams: “I am in my last year, with just a month to go before I accomplish my dream of being a professional and continuing my studies at university. I give you thanks because with your extradordinary effort, I will have a better future full of opportunities to help my family and grow.”
MONDAY, AUGUST 6th, 2018 - Theology on Tap at the Beacher Café – come out and join in the discussion.
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8th, 2018 - Wednesday evening service at Beaches at 7:30.
Dear God: When you wrote the bible you made up all the words and spelled them the way you like. That is great. Most of the time I do it like that but I am not doing so good. Ron
Dear God: If you know so much how come you never made the river big enough for all the water and our house got flooded and now we got to move. Victor
Dear God: Your book has a lot of zip to it. I like science fiction stories. You had very good ideas and I would like to know where you found them. Jimmy
Dear God: I would like these things – a new bicycle, a number three chemistry set, a dog, a movie camera, a first baseman glove. If I can’t have them all I would like to have most of them. Yours truly, Eric PS I know there is no Santa Claus
Dear God: We are learning about Jonah and the Whale. Where he swallowed him and everything. It is the best story I ever heard with action and fright my daddy says it sounds pretty fishy. Do you think that’s funny. Sidney
Dear Mr. God: How do you feel about people who don’t believe in you? Somebody else wants to know. A friend, Neil
Dear God: Did you have a much trouble learning Hebrew as I am? Are there any easy ways to do it? I know you talk English to so I am writing in English. Jerome
Have a good week - MB
July 26, 2018
THURSDAY, JULY 26th, 2018 - “I believe every human has a finite number of heartbeats. I don’t intend to waste any of mine running around doing exercises.” Neil Armstrong
THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY, JULY 26th, 27th & 28th, 2018 - Annual Beaches Jazz Festival – Streetfest - 7:00 – 11:00 Queen Street between Beech and Woodbine.
SATURDAY & SUNDAY, JULY 28th & 29th, 2018 - Jazz It Up in Kew Gardens 11:00 – 4:00
SUNDAY, JULY 29th, 2018 - Fun Run 8:00 – 11:00 - info
SUNDAY, JULY 29th, 2018 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.
MISSION CAPSULE: In Psalm 86, David praises God saying, “All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, Lord; they will bring glory to your name.” With support from Presbyterians Sharing … the members of Montreal West Presbyterian Church are experiencing this beautiful vision in their own church. God brought a new diversity of people into this once small congregation and the people responded with welcome. The growth of Montreal West over the last several years, and their renewed sense of vitality and joy is a testament to the importance of inter-cultural ministry and the power of the God who created all nations.
MONDAY, JULY 30th, 2018 - Theology on Tap will resume at the Beacher Café ….
NOTE: Wednesday Worship in August – 7:00 – these services will not replace Sunday morning worship.
SINGERS WANTED: All voices, limited openings. Toronto Beach Chorale is a concert choir of 65 members that partners with professional soloists and musicians to present 3 – 4 concerts each season. We rehearse and perform in the Beach and East End. Our Choral Scholars program provides experience and free membership to aspiring singers 19 – 24 years. The ability to read music is strongly recommended. Rehearsals begin Wednesday evening in September. For information call David 416-699-6634 –
Children’s Letters to God:
Dear God – Count me in, your friend, Herbie.
Dear God – Can you really do everything? I wish I could to. Marvin
Dear God – I love you because you are so good. I try to be good like you. I am good to all people. My mother and father. And two sisters. It must be fun to be God and have everybody love you. Yours sincerely, Thomas
Dear God – I saw Saint Patrick Church last week when we went to New York. You live in a nice house. Frank
Dear God – last week it rained three days. We thought it would be like Noahs Ark but it wasn’t. I’m glad because you could only take two of things, remember, and we have three cats. Goodbye now, Donna
Dear God – Are you real? Some people don’t not believe it. If you are you better do something quick. Harriet Ann
Have a good week - MB
July 19, 2018
THURSDAY, JULY 19th, 2018 - “I have long thought that the aging process could be slowed down if it had to work it’s way through Congress.” George Bush
SUNDAY, JULY 22nd, 2018 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 - Dr. Tory Hoff leading. This morning’s service will feature an interpretation of the Book of Job with several readers. Rev. Katherine McCloskey is on a reading week
MISSION CAPSULE: Last winter, the caring Sunday School class at St. John’s Presbyterian Church in Toronto hosted a pancake lunch in support of PWS&D. After reading a short play to illustrate PWS&D’s mission and vision, the children invited guests to feast on pancakes and syrup, yogurt and fruit as they passed around a donation basket. “St. John’s Sunday School pancake lunch raised over $900.00 for PWS&D,” shares Laurie McGugan, the event organizer. “We were happy that we got so many people out!” Whether saving pennies, launching a campaign or holding a fundraising lunch, generous support from Presbyterians across Canada sustains programs that are building a more sustainable, compassionate and just world.
NOTE: Beaches will be holding Wednesday evening services during August at 7:00. These will be in addition to our regular Sunday morning services.
We still need some people to sign up to cut the grass and/or supply cold drinks Sunday mornings. There are sign up sheets in the Narthex or speak to Elisabeth.
THURSDAY, JULY 26th, 2018 - 10:00 am – Free Seniors Movie at the Fox – Movie “Oceans 8”
TUESDAY, JULY 31st, 2018 - 7:00 pm - The Fox Theatre presents “Plastic Ocean” by local filmmakers The Water Brothers – a documentary screening and discussion hosted by Beaches East York MP Nathaniel Erskine-Smith. Following the film there will be a discussion about plastics pollution with The Water Brothers and Chelsea Rochman, U of T Professor. RSVP – 416-467-0860
Things I have learned ….
I have learned that couples without children always know just how you should raise yours. Age 29
I have learned that you can get by on charm for about fifteen minutes. After that, you’d better know something. Age 46
I have learned that getting fired can be the best thing that can happen to you. Age 42
I have learned that just when I get my room the way I like it, Mom makes me clean it up. Age 13
I have learned that a strong code of ethics is as reliable as a compass. Age 43
I have learned that marrying for money is the hardest way of getting it. Age 42
I have learned that a person is only as good as his or her word. Age 90
Have a good week - MB
July 12, 2018
THURSDAY, JULY 12th, 2018 - “Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” Satchel Paige
SATURDAY, JULY 14th, 2018 - Historical Walk with Gene Domagala – 1:00 – This Queen Street/Kew Beach walk starts in front of the Beaches Library.
SUNDAY, JULY 15th, 2018 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.
MISSION CAPSULE: In April, members of the Stewards by Design planning committee attended the ”Pathways to Generosity” conference at King of Glory Lutheran Church in Dallas, Texas. They were inspired by dynamic worship, a diverse group of keynote speakers and workshops on topics ranging from preaching stewardship, narrative budgets, stewardship and social media, legacy giving and the stewardship of creation. The team also met with Dr. Kennon Callahan, keynote speaker for the next Stewards by Design conference planned for May, 2019. Members returned home ready to create new paths of generosity in the PCC’s stewardship ministry.
MONDAY, JULY 16th, 2018 - Theology on Tap at the Beacher will NOT be gathering this evening. Susan and George Kopolus and Peter McKinnon have travelled to Italy where their choir will be performing in several different cities, today they will be performing in Rome. Pat Fraser, M.J. Perry and Erin Sclisizzi are travelling with them just for the fun of it.
TUESDAY, JULY 17th, 2018 - Summer services at Fallingbrook – 7:00 – Rev. Jim Kitson, leading.
NOTE: Beaches is planning Summer services on Wednesday evenings during August. These will not replace Sunday mornings.
STUFF………Things I have learned …
I have learned that life is like a scooter car; not much happens unless you do some peddling. Age 79
I have learned that when you remodel, everything costs twice as much and takes twice as long as you think it will. Age 48
I have learned that my daddy can say a lot of words I can’t. Age 8
I have learned that most of the things I worry about never happen. Age 64
I have learned that every great achievement was once considered impossible. Age 47
I have learned that homemade cookies should be eaten while still warm. Age 29
I have learned that you can get by on charm for about fifteen minutes. After that, you’d better know something. Age 46
I have learned that if you spread the peas out on your plate, it looks like you ate more. Age 6
Have a good week MB
July 5, 2018
THURSDAY, JULY 5th, 2018 - “Age is something that doesn’t matter, unless you are a cheese.” Billie Burke
JULY – AUGUST 4th, 2018 - CANADA 151 ART SHOW - Celebrating Canadiana – Large Group Art Show at Yellow House Gallery, 921 Kingston Road. Featuring small original works by local artists.
SUNDAY, JULY 8th, 2018 - MUSIC IN THE PARK – Kew Gardens - 2:00 – 4:00 – The Young Novelists
SUNDAY, JULY 8TH, 2018 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. M.J. Perry leading – we will celebrate communion.
MISSION CAPSULES: Esther Beza has many responsibilities. The Malawian farmer takes care of her four children and her elderly parents, all while farming two hectares of land. But with changing rain patterns, low soil fertility and poor access to seeds, Esther’s crops didn’t yield enough food to feed her family. Esther had been skipping meals, but things changed after she participated in an agricultural training project with PWS&D and Canadian Foodgrains Bank. “I no longer struggle to find seeds, and I have learned to use pig manure for fertilizer,” shares Esther, motivated by the fruitful results of the farming techniques she has learned. Esther no longer worries about anyone going hungry.
MONDAY, JULY 9th, 2018 - 7:00 – Theology on Tap – Beacher Café
TUESDAYS AT FALLINGBROOK – 7:00 - Summer Worship for July and August – Rev. Jim Kitson leading
WEDNESDAY, JULY 11th, 2018 - MOVIE NIGHTS IN THE BEACH - Ivan Forrest Gardens (Queen & Glen Manor) 50 First Dates – movies start at dusk
NOTE: During the month of August, Beaches will be offering Wednesday evening worship – these will not replace Sunday worship.
Heaven is Where: The Police are British; The Chefs are Italian; The Mechanics are German; The Lovers are French and it’s all organized by the Swiss.
Hell is Where: The Police are German; The Chefs are British; The Mechanics are French; The Lovers are Swiss and it’s all organized by the Italians.
Red Meat is not bad for you. Fuzzy green meat is bad for you!
I am having an out-of-money experience!
I love cooking with wine – sometimes I even put it in the food.
Money isn’t everything – but it sure keeps the kids in touch.
Have a good week - stay cool MB
June 28, 2018
THURSDAY, JUNE 28th, 2018 - “I don’t feel eighty. In fact, I don’t feel anything till noon. Then it’s time for my nap.” Bob Hope
SUNDAY, JULY 1st, 2018 - CANADA DAY - 9:45 pm fireworks at Ashbridges Bay
SUNDAY, JULY 1st, 2018 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading. There will be no Sunday School today.
NOTE: At Presbytery on Tuesday, the Call for Katherine McCloskey was approved. Hurray!! There are plans in place to hold an induction service sometime in September.
MISSION CAPSULE: The cost of living in Saskatchewan is rising, making it even more challenging for those on the margins to make ends meet. Saskatoon Native Circle Ministry understands that, when times are tough, people need spiritual as well as physical care. With support from Presbyterians Sharing … the ministry offers a clothing and food program, a mid-week worship service, an arts program, and crisis and spiritual counseling. Rooted in First Nations’ traditions and gospel teachings, SNCM offers prayer, friendship and radical hospitality to those who are struggling.
MONDAY, JULY 2nd, 2018 - Theology on Tap continues at the Beacher Café at 7:00. Hopefully the books will have arrived, if not, there is certainly lots to talk about. Join us.
COMING UP IN JULY: Beaches Annual Jazz Festival – watch for details.
Recently when cleaning out my desk – I found this and thought you all might enjoy it. This is for the people who do not like going to work.
1. Godliness, cleanliness and punctuality are the necessities of a good business.
2. This firm has reduced the hours of work, and the clerical staff will now only have to be present between the hours of 7:00 am and 6:00 pm on weekdays.
3. Daily prayers will be held each morning in the main office. The clerical staff will be present.
4. Clothing must be of a sober nature. The clerical staff will not disport themselves in raiment of bright colours, nor will they wear hose, unless in good repair. Overshoes and topcoats may not be worn in the office, but neck scarves and headwear may be worn in inclement weather.
5. A stove is provided for the benefit of clerical staff. Coal and wood must be kept in the locker. It is recommended that each member of the clerical staff bring four pounds of coal each day during the cold weather.
6. No member of the clerical staff may leave the room without permission from Mr. Rogers. The calls of nature are permitted and clerical staff may use the garden below the second gate. This must be kept in good order.
7. No talking is allowed during business hours.
8. The craving of tobacco, wines or spirits is a human weakness, and, as such, is forbidden to all members of the clerical staff.
9. The owners recognize the new Labour Laws, but will expect a great rise in output of work to compensate for these near Utopian conditions.
Have a good week - Celebrate our great country.
June 21, 2018
THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 2018 - “Being a living legend is better than being a dead legend” George Burns
FRIDAY, JUNE 22nd, 2018 - Moonlight Madness – sidewalk sales Queen Street, East – shops open until 10:00
SATURDAY, JUNE 23rd, 2018 - Historical Walk through St. John’s Cemetery with BMN columnist Gene Domagala – 1:00 pm – meet at the Lych Gate on Kingston Road.
FARMERS’ MARKETS – Leslieville – Sundays 9:00 – 2:00 – East Lynn, Thursdays 3:00 – 7:00 Community Centre 55 – Sundays 9:00 – 1:00 –
SUNDAY, JUNE 24th, 2018 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.
MISSION CAPSULE: Refugees are part of our human family and are entitled to their rights to peace and protection. In Bangladesh, almost 900,000 Rohingya have settled in squalid shelter conditions after escaping terrifying human rights abuses and violence in Myanmar. Refugees are still arriving and the nearing monsoon season puts those living in camps at risk of floods and landslides. Join PWS&D as we respond to the needs of the Rohingya with Canadian Foodgrains Bank and the ACT Alliance by helping deliver life-saving food packages as well as shelter, hygiene kits, water and sanitation services and psychosocial assistance. As we respond to pain and despair in Bangladesh, let us pray for refugees on their journey to find safety and peace in other parts of the world.
MONDAY, JUNE 25th, 2018 - Theology on Tap will not meet this Monday - next meeting is July 2nd 7pm at The Beacher Café. Join in the discussion.
TUESDAY, JUNE 26th, 2018 - Presbytery of East Toronto meets at St. Mark’s Presbyterian Church and will discuss the Call to Rev.Katherine McCloskey on behalf of Beaches. While two of our elders will give reasons why we believe Katherine should be the minister at BPC anyone is welcome to attend. Your presence will show your support for the call. The meeting begins at 7:00 and the call will be dealt with at 8:15. You will be welcomed whenever you arrive and you will be free to stay or leave once the decisions about the call have been made. Don Muir will present the call on our behalf.
You know you are living in 2018 when …..
Your reason for not staying in touch with friends and family is that they don’t have an e-mail address.
You pull into your own driveway and use your cell phone to see if anyone is home to help carry in the groceries.
Every commercial on TV has a web site at the bottom of the screen.
Leaving home without your cell phone, which you didn’t even own for the first 20 – 30 years of your life, is now cause for panic and you turn around to go back and get it.
You get up in the morning and go on line before getting your coffee.
Have a good week MB
June 14, 2018
THURSDAY, JUNE 14th, 2018 - “I smoke cigars because at my age if I don’t have something to hang onto, I might fall down.” George Burns
SATURDAY, JUNE 16th, 2018 - East End Triathlon at the Birchmount Community Centre. This swim-bike-run event has categories for kids as young at 3 and all the way up to adults. Focus is on fun and participation.
SUNDAY, JUNE 17th, 2018 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.
MISSION CAPSULES: History matters! Gifts to Presbyterians Sharing … support Louise Gamble as she works with our partner church, the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan, to transcribe and translate reports and correspondence of the Canadian North Formosa Mission. These documents are records of the development of the Christian Church in North Formosa, from the point of view of its missionaries. It includes over 7,000 documents from 1868 to 1923. Louise works in partnership with her talented and dedicated Taiwanese colleague, Mr. James Chen. They are working on the third and final series (1915-1923), which documents events during WW1 as well as issues such as Canadian church union and the growing theological tensions in North America. When finished, this series will likely be over 1500 pages!
MONDAY, JUNE 18th, 2018 - Theology on Tap – join us for discussion at The Beacher Café, Queen & MacLean. 7:00
FRIDAY, JUNE 22nd, 2018 - Moonlight Madness – sidewalk sales - Queen Street shops open until 10:00 –
SATURDAY, JUNE 23rd, 2018 - Celebrate summer and The Beach – Leuty Boathouse 11:00 – 4:00
It was the accepted practice in Babylon 4,000 years ago that for a month after the wedding, the bride’s father would supply his son-in-law with all the mead he could drink.
Mead is a honey beer and because their calendar was lunar based, the period was call the honey month…….which we know today as the honeymoon.
In English pubs, ale is ordered by pints and quarts……. So, in old England, when customers got unruly, the bartender would yell at them “Mind your pints and quarts, and settle down. It’s where we get the phrase – “Mind your P’s and Q’s”
Many years ago in England, pub frequenters had a whistle baked into the rim, or handle of their ceramic cups. When they needed a refill they used the whistle to get some service. “Wet your whistle” is the phrase inspired by this practice.
Have a good week - MB
June 7, 2018
THURSDAY, JUNE 7th, 2018 - “I may be schizophrenic, but at least I have each other”!!!
SATURDAY, JUNE 9th, 2018 - Treasure Find at Calvary Baptist Church, Main Street, 10:00 – 2:00
SATURDAY/ SUNDAY JUNE 9th & 10th, 2018 - Beaches Arts & Crafts Show in Kew Gardens – Over 150 artisans, featuring fashion, jewellery, food, children’s clothing, toys and more. 10:00 – 6:00
SUNDAY, JUNE 10th, 2018 - Leslieville Flea at the Ashbridge Estate, Queen East, 10:00 – 5:00. Featuring vintage, salvaged furniture, antiques, collectibles. Beer and food.
SUNDAY, JUNE 10th, 2018 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading. We will celebrate communion.
MISSION CAPSULES: PWS&D is committed to environmental stewardship and creation care. Deforestation caused by human activity or climate change affects the lives and livelihoods of millions of people living in poverty. In Haiti, widespread deforestation has eroded crop-producing soil and led to increased flooding and landslides, sustaining cycles of hunger and poverty. PWS&D is supporting partners at Canadian Foodgrains Bank to replant forest areas and improve food security by equipping farmers to plant tree nurseries, protect soil and store seeds. A healthy, vibrant creation is vital for the well-being of families throughout our global village, as they harvest food, earn livelihoods and embrace futures of hope.
MONDAY, JUNE 11th, 2018 - 7:00 – Theology on Tap – join in the discussion at the Beacher Café.
ARISE Ministry is moving. Arise Ministry is happy to announce that they are moving to a new office location. We will be located at 101 Wilson Avenue, North York. This is the former Manse of Armour Heights and we are very grateful to the congregation. Can you Help? With this move comes a need for furniture and other items. We are in urgent need of chairs, couches, loveseats, pull-out couch bed or futon, dining table and chairs. These items will help us to be mission ready and offer a warm and comforting space. If you are able to donate any of the items listed, please contact our administrator, Anne Wright, at or 647-497-7312.
NOTE: Our Church garden needs your help. The weeds are growing so well – if you have a few minutes please pull them. We also need people to offer to cut the grass, there is a sign up sheet in the church.
If you were to spell out numbers, how far would you have to go until find the letter “A”? One thousand.
What do bulletproof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers and laser printers have in common? All were invented by women.
What is the only food that doesn’t spoil? Honey
You know you are living in 2018 when …
You accidentally enter your PIN on the microwave.
You haven’t play solitaire with real cards in years.
You have a list of 15 phone numbers to reach your family of three.
You email the person who works at the desk next to you.
Have a good week - MB
May 31, 2018
THURSDAY, MAY 31st, 2018 - “Life is far too important to ever talk seriously about.” Oscar Wilde
SATURDAY, JUNE 2nd, 2018 - Spring Bazaar at Faith Presbyterian, Dawes Road, 10:00 – 1:00 - Filipino food, bake table, white elephant table, toys and lots more.
SUNDAY, JUNE 3rd, 2018 - General Assembly Sunday, Third Sunday of Pentacost – join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.
MONDAY, JUNE 4th, 2018 - General Assembly in Waterloo, Ontario
MISSION CAPSULES: The theme of this year’s General Assembly is With Glad and Generous Hearts. This past year, a design team was established to work with the General Assembly Office to plan the 2018 event. Team member the Rev. Dr. Patricia Dutcher-Walls shares that “sitting through an Assembly can be both inspiring and tiring,” so the team “imagined ways to help accomplish the business of the Assembly, while creating more spaciousness of timing and a more humane schedule.” This includes time for mini-breaks, table discussion groups, and sessions that include visuals and sound to appeal to different learning modes. A consensus decision-making model will create a more inclusive process of discernment. When Presbyterians gather together with glad and generous hearts, much can be accomplished!
MONDAY, JUNE 4th, 2018 - Theology on Tap will continue to discuss Leaving Christianity by Brian Clark and Stuart MacDonald – at the Beacher.
THURSDAY, JUNE 7th, 2018 - VOTING DAY - - -
STUFF: The word “UP”
Up – meaning toward the sky OR at the top of a list. But when we awaken, we wake UP!
We speak Up, People are UP for election; we write UP a report; We call Up our friends; We brighten Up a room; polish Up the silver; warm Up leftovers
And clean Up the kitchen; we lock Up the house and sometimes fix Up the car.
People stir Up trouble; line Up for tickets; work Up an appetite and think Up excuses.
To be dressed is one thing but to be dressed Up is special. A drain must be opened Up because it is stopped Up.
We open Up a store in the morning but close it Up at night!
When it threatens to rain, we say it is clouding Up, but when the sun comes out we say it is clearing Up.
When it rains, it often messes things Up, but when it doesn’t rain for awhile, things dry Up.
I will wrap this Up now. Have a good week ….. MB
May 24, 2018
THURSDAY, MAY 24th, 2018 - “What if the ‘Hokey Pokey” really is what it’s all about?”
FRIDAY, SATAURDAY, SUNDAY, MAY 25th – 27th, 2018 - Beach Guild of Fine Arts present – Small Paintings for Small Spaces at The Gardener’s Cottage, 30 Lee Avenue, - Friday – 3:00 – 8:00; Saturday and Sunday 10:00 – 5:00.
SATURDAY, MAY 26th, 2018 - As part of Doors Open Toronto 2018 - The Esprit Chamber Choir – with our own Susan and George Kopulos and Peter McKinnon are presenting a FREE concert at Bloordale United Church, 4258 Bloor Street, West, (near The West Mall & Bloor) at 2:00 . The choir is preparing for a concert tour of Italy this summer.
SATURDAY, MAY 26th, 2018 - “Care for the Caregiver” A discussion about caregiving at Armour Heights Presbyterian Church, 105 Wilson Avenue – 1:00 – with Vivian Chan, MDiv, Family Life Centre Therapist.
SUNDAY, MAY 27th, 2018 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Deb Rapport leading. Rev. Deb Rapport is a Community Chaplain and executive Director of ARISE Ministry. ARISE offers hope to those involved in the sex trade through providing outreach, case management and pastoral care. She is a Presbyterian Minister and has been engaged with street-involved youth and women since 2007
SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT - We have weeds, and more weeds and then more. The neighbours think the church is closed. If you have an hour, or a half PLEASE stop by and pull. If you can’t tell what is a weed what is not a weed – if there are too many of them, pull them.
MISSION CAPSULES: Zindaba’s story is not uncommon in many Malawian communities – children want to go to school but their families can’t afford the fees. Zindaba feels very fortunate that her aunt paid for her first two years at school, a time the girl recalls with great joy. “The teachers were good and encouraged us a lot,” she shares. Unfortunately, the expense became too great a struggle for her aunt. When Zindaba had to drop out, she never imagined she’d make it to university, but education support from PWS&D helped pay her school fees and gave her support to pursue her dreams. Today, proudly displaying her university class scores, a smiling Zindaba talks about training to be an accountant.
MONDAY, MAY 28th, 2018 - Theology on Tap – at the Beacher Café 7:30
NOTE: Furniture Bank is a registered charity that provides quality furniture to people in need and is currently seeking donations of gently used furniture and used housewares. Your used furniture will change a life. Call 416-934-1229
I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me. Dudley Field Malone
To think is to differ. Clarence Darrow
It’s a rare person who wants to hear what he doesn’t want to hear! Dick Cavett
I argue very well. Ask any of my remaining friends. I can win an argument on any topic, against any opponent. People know this, and steer clear of me at parties. Often, as a sign of their great respect, they don’t even invite me. Dave Barry
If we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity. John F. Kennedy
Each time someone stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope. Robert F. Kennedy
Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. Winston Churchill
Have a good week - MB
May 17, 2018
THURSDAY, MAY 17TH, 2018 - I have kleptomania, but when it gets bad, I take something for it!!
THURSDAY, MAY 17, 2018 - Community Environment Day at Ted Reeve Arena – 4:00 – 8:00
SATURDAY, MAY 19, 2018 - Beach Garden Society Plant Sale at Adam Beck Community Centre, Lawlor Avenue, 9:00 am – noon. Be early to get the best selection from hundreds of exceptional perennials.
SUNDAY, MAY 20TH, 2018 - Pentacost Sunday – wear something red or orange. Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – service led by Julian Anderson Bowes and the group for one of our Jazz Services.
MISSION CAPSULES: “We serve, Jesus heals”, is the motto of Tansen Mission Hospital in western Nepal, which serves a population of one million. Gifts to Presbyterians Sharing … support Dr. Nicholaus Bauman, a surgeon appointed to the United Mission to Nepal. As part of the Tansen Hospital medical and surgical team, made up of Nepali and international physicians, Nick reponds to referrals for gynecology, urology, and abdominal problems. Nick also teaches post-graduate students enrolled in the Medical Doctorate in General Practice. He shares, “our faith community has always stressed the importance of mission, particularly the sense that our lives are not our own, but are gifts, and that we are entrusted by God to be stewards of this gift.” Nick is joined in Nepal by his wife Becky and their four children.
MONDAY, MAY 21st, 2018 - Theology on Tap at the Beacher Café – the discussion continues on Leaving Christianity by Brian Clarke and Stuart MacDonald - join us.
TUESDAY, MAY 22nd, 2018 - Guided Nature Walk – 6:30 – 8:30 pm - Bob Kortright will lead a nature walk starting at Beech Avenue, 50m south of Kingston Road to Queen Street and the Beach. Bring binoculars.
SATURDAY, MAY 26th, 2018 - As part of the Doors Open Toronto 2018 - The Esprit Chamber Choir, which includes Susan and George Kopulos and Peter McKinnon, are preparing for a tour of Italy this summer. As part of the preparations, the choir is presenting a FREE concert at Bloordale United Church, 4258 Bloor Street, West, at 2;00 pm.
Politics is not a bad profession. If you succeed there are many rewards, if you disgrace yourself you can always write a book. Ronald Reagan
Since a politician never believes what he says, he is quite surprised to be taken at his word. Charles de Gaulle
Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build a bridge even where there is no river. Nikita Khrushchev
Ninety percent of the politicians give the other ten percent a bad reputation. Henry Kissinger
My brother Bob doesn’t want to be in government – he promised Dad he’d go straight! John F. Kennedy
In politics, you need two things: friends, but above all, an enemy. Brian Mulroney
If you want to know who is going to change this country, go home and look in the mirror. Maude Barlow
Have a good week - MB
May 10, 2018
THURSDAY, MAY 10th, 2018 - Billion-dollar idea. A smoke detector that shuts off when you yell, “I’m just cooking.”
SATURDAY, MAY 12th, 2018 - Toronto Welsh Male Voice Choir at St. Aidan’s Church – 7:30 – Tickets $25:00
SATURDAY & SUNDAY, MAY 12 & 13th, 2018 AND SATURDAY & SUNDAY, MAY 19 & 20th, 2018 - Spring Plant Sale Fundraiser at 14 Lyall Avenue, 10:00 – 6:00. Michaael Erdman and Cantemus Singers hold their annual sale of garden perennials to raise funds for the Emergency Food Bank as part of the Daily Bread Food Bank network.
SUNDAY, MAY 13th, 2018 - MOTHER’S DAY - Join us for morning worship, Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading. We will celebrate communion.
MISSION CAPSULE: When families are able to form safe and nurturing relationships, meet their basic needs and lift each other up, it can have a significant impact on a country’s well-being and development. On the International Day of Families, we reflect on the importance of responding to families facing hunger, poverty and injustice across the globe. The compassionate youth at Briarwood Presbyterian Church in Beaconsfield, QC know how important it is to empower vulnerable families to achieve their full potential. The group filled a piggy bank with $144.00 for PWS&D Farming for the Future Sunday School Challenge, which equips rural families in Guatemala with seeds, tools and training to improve their food security and nutrition.
MONDAY, MAY 14th, 2018 - Theology on Tap will resume this evening to begin “Leaving Christianity” by Brian Clarke and Stuart MacDonald – at the Beacher Café.
The right to be heard does not automatically include the right to be taken seriously. Hubert H. Humphrey
People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use. Soren Kierkegaard
Liberty without learning is always in peril; learning without liberty is always in vain. John F. Kennedy
Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it. George Bernard Shaw
The best way to enhance freedom in other lands is to demonstrate here that our democratic system is worthy of emulation. Jimmy Carter
I think people should be allowed to do anything they want. We haven’t tried that for awhile. Maybe this time it’ll work. George Carlin
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes. Mahatma Gandhi
Have a good week - MB
May 3, 2018
THURSDAY, MAY 3rd, 2018 - “I was planning on starting my diet this week, but I have too much on my plate!” Ron Sexsmith
FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY, MAY 4th, 5th & 6th, 2018 - Beach Annual Studio Tour. Friday – 6:00 – 9:00; Saturday – 10:00 – 6:00; Sunday – 11:00 – 6:00 - 15 locations featuring the work of two dozen local artists.
SUNDAY, MAY 6th, 2018 – Join us for morning worship – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.
Following worship, the session has called a very important congregational meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to consider extending a call to the Rev. Katherine McCloskey. Katherine is currently our minister on annual appointment by the Presbytery. A call would make Katherine our minister without term. The call would also provide Katherine and the congregation greater certainty and stability as we move forward in faith. If the congregation votes in favour of the call, the call will be presented to the Presbytery of East Toronto for its consideration in June. Please make this a matter of prayer and plan to stay for the meeting.
MONDAY, MAY 7th, 2018 - Theology on Tap will NOT be meeting. We will meet again Monday, May 14th to begin discussing Leaving Christianity by Brian Clarke and Stuart Macdonald. Due to its newness the authors’ distributor is unable to obtain sufficient inventory for commitments and Ben McNally is also unable to get us a discount. I have looked on line and the best price I can find from a somewhat ethical source is Indigo where it is $32.61 for the paperback edition. We are going to ask those who are interested to please purchase it themselves. The following book will be The Cross and the Lynching Tree by James Cone. Ben is certain that he will be able to get us a 10% discount for this book with an order of ten. Regular price is $31.10. If you are interested in participating in a group purchase please let Erin or M.J. know.
MISSION CAPSULE: Gifts to Presbyterians Sharing … support the vibrant ministry of Canada Youth. Every two years, hundreds of participants join together from across our denomination to celebrate their energetic faith. This remarkable event in July unites youth, young adults, church leaders and guests from around the world for five days of soul-satisfying worship, unique expressions of faith in large and small groups, dynamic keynotes and workshops, vibrant faith explorations and joyful celebrations! CY is a gathering place for all kinds of enthusiastic Presbyterians to worship, play, create, learn, make new friends, study scripture and share joy. More than 4,000 folks have attended CY since it began and the impact of its ministry has been felt in our camps, congregations and courts.
TUESDAY, MAY 8th, 2018 - 7:30 – Toronto Community Orchestra present Dancing with the Stars – A Journey through Classical, Folk and All That Jazz! Alexandra Bourque, Artistic Director…..featuring Dvorak’s Romance for Violin and Orchestra: Rimsky-Korsakov’s Fantasia on Serbian Themes: Sibelius’ Andante Festivo with guest soloists.
Eastminister United Church – Danforth & Chester. FREE Admission
There’s a difference between a philosophy and a bumper sticker. Charles M. Schulz
The only normal people are the ones you don’t know very well. Joe Ancis
The best way to keep one’s word is not to give it. Napoleon Boneparte
Boy, those French, they have a different word for everything. Steve Martin
How can you govern a country which has 246 varieties of cheese. Charles de Gaulle
Have a good week - MB
April 27, 2018
FRIDAY, APRIL 27th, 2018 - “ Life would be infinitely happier if we could only be born at the age of eighty and gradually approach eighteen.” Mark Twain
SATURDAY, APRIL 28th, 2018 - SPRING THAW – A concert of Hot Jazz for Cool Nights. - 7:30 - Featuring Julian Anderson-Bowes, Bass, Matthew Chalmers, percussion, James Hill, Piano, Tara Kannangara, vocals & trumpet. Tickets $20.00 at the door. Proceeds to Beaches Refugee Support Fund.
Sunday, April 29th, 2018 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00, Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.
MISSION CAPSULES: Inspired by the words in Matthew’s gospel, Lighthouse Arabic Ministry is a shining light in the city of Winnipeg, inviting all to see how great and wonderful God is. The congregation is known for providing newly arrived Arabic speaking immigrants with a spiritual home and support through Christian community. This ministry, supported by gifts to Presbyterians Sharing … is one of the PCC’s most recent new church developments and has seen consistent growth since its founding. The ministry is broad and reaches many. It is exciting to see people’s lives change as they follow Jesus. For people struggling to adapt to Canadian society, it is truly a lighthouse offering direction and pointing to God’s love.
SUNDAY, APRIL 29th, 2018 - Toronto Beach Chorale presents Beethoven’s Mass in C Major and Fantasia for Piano, Choir and Orchestra at Kingston Road United Church – 7:30 pm – Featuring Jocelyn Fralick, soprano, Lillian Brooks, mezzo soprano, Sean Clark, tenor, Max van Wyck, bass. Tickets $25:00 or $30:00 at the door.
MONDAY, APRIL 30th, 2018 - Theology on Tap at the Beacher Café continues. Join in the discussion.
SUNDAY, MAY 6th, 2018 - NOTICE – The session has called a very important congregational meeting for Sunday, May 6th, 2018 following the worship service. The purpose of the meeting is to consider extending a call to the Rev. Katherine McCloskey. Katherine is currently our minister on annual appointment by the presbytery. A call would make Katherine our minister without term. The call would also provide Katherine and the congregation greater certainty and stability as we move forward in faith. If the congregation votes in favour of the call, the call will be presented to the Presbytery of East Toronto for its consideration in June. Please make this a matter of pray and plan to stay for the meeting.
If anyone tells you that America’s best days are behind her, they’re looking the wrong way. George H. W. Bush
I hear that melting-pot stuff a lot and all I can say is that we haven’t melted. Jesse Jackson
Governments never learn. Only people learn. Milton Friedman
England and America are two countries separated by a common language. George Bernard Shaw
To understand Europe, you have to be a genius or French. Madeleine Albright
Americans are benevolently ignorant about Canada, while Canadians are malevolently well informed about the United States. J. Bartlett Brebner
Have a good week - and come to the concert on Saturday. MB
April 19, 2018
THURSDAY, APRIL 19th, 2018 - “Just remember, once you’re over the hill, you begin to pick up speed.” Charles Schultz
SATURDAY, APRIL 21st, 2018 - Rummage Sale at Hope United Church 10:30 – 12:30 – great bargains, hot dogs.
SUNDAY, APRIL 22nd, 2018 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. M.J.Perry leading.
MISSION CAPSULE: After an especially dry summer in Badin, Pakistan, subsistence farmers have seen their agricultural land and kitchen gardens suffer. Struggling to grow crops in a changing climate, farmers and their families sink deeper into hunger and poverty. With the aim of improving food security for drought-affected families, a PWS&D project is teaching cost effective, soil-friendly farming methods in the community. Through the project, Bachlan learned a new method of irrigation to grow her spinach, tomatoes and radishes. She buries old pitchers in her garden and fills them with water, which then percolates into the soil. “This ensures a productive growth of vegetables in our gardens through the year,” reports Bachlan. This resourcefulness is helping farmers care for creation while continuing to harvest fruitful yields.
MONDAY, APRIL 23rd, 2018 - THEOLOGY ON TAP at the Beacher Café .
SATURDAY, APRIL 28th, 2018 - SPRING THAW – A Concert of Hot Jazz for Cool Nights - 7:30 - Featuring Julian Anderson Bowes, Bass, Matthew Chalmers, percussion, James Hill, piano, Tara Kannangara, vocals and trumpet. Tickets $20.00 at the door – cash only - proceeds support Beaches Refugee Fund
SATURDAY, APRIL 28th, and SUNDAY, APRIL 29th, 2018 - Woodbine Heights Baptist Church Artsfest. Saturday 10:00 – 5:00 Visual Arts Exhibition with Variety performance at 1:30. Drama club presents The Isaiah Project, a new production by Dennis J. Hassell, writer, lyricist and Jeanine Noyes, composer with three workshop performances. April 28 at 4:00 and 7:00 and on Sunday at 11:00 for information or 416-467-1462
SUNDAY, APRIL 29th, 2018 - Toronto Beach Chorale presents Beethoven’s Mass in C Major and Fantasia for Piano, Choir and Orchestra at Kingston Road United Church – 7:30 – featuring Jocelyn Fralick, soprano, Lillian Brooks, mezzo soprano, Sean Clark, tenor and Max van Wyck, bass. Tickets $25.00 ($30.00 at the door) cash only,.
A sign in a Shoe Repair in Vancouver reads: We will heel you, We will save your sole, We will even dye for you!
A sign on a Blinds and Curtain Truck: Blind Man Driving
Sign over a Gynecologist’s Office: Dr. Jones, at your cervix.
In a Podiatrist’s office: Time wounds all heels.
On a Septic Tank Truck: Yesterday’s Meals on Wheels
At an Optometrist’s Office: If you don’t see what you’re looking for, You’ve come to the right place.
On a Plumber’s truck: We repair what your husband fixed.
Have a good week - MB
April 12, 2018
THURSDAY, APRIL 12th, 2018 - “Prayer is not asking. It is the longing of the soul. It is a daily admission of one’s weakness. It is better in prayer to have a heart without words – than words without a heart.” Mahatma Gandi
SUNDAY, APRIL 15th, 2018 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.
MISSION CAPSULE: Since the outbreak of state-led violence against the Rohingya minority in Myanmar’s Rakhine state, Safiri has been living in fear. Her husband was shot and her entire village burned to the ground. One night, fearing an attack by members of the army, she fled with her children across dangerous countryside to the Balukhai camp in Bangladesh. Their arrival brought new challenges - shelter conditions were miserable and food, water and sanitation services scarce. Safiri’s story of suffering is hard to grasp, but her needs for survival are very real. PWS&D, alongside Canadian Foodgrains Bank and ACT Alliance, are helping Rohingya refugees like Safiri meet their basic needs and find hope that life will once again be normal.
MONDAY, APRIL 16th, 2018 - Theology on Tap will meet at The Beacher Café
SATURDAY, APRIL 28th, 2018 - 7:30 – BPC’s Annual Spring Thaw Concert. HOT JAZZ FOR COOL NIGHTS.
Julian Anderson Bowes is an acoustic & Electric Bass player, composer and teacher and is leader of the quartet. Matthew Chalmers, percussionist. Is an award winning musician and composer. James Hill, pianist, has been performing around town with five other jazz groups. Tara Kannangara, vocalist and Trumpeter. Juno nominated band leader and performer in the Toronto Jazz scene. Tickets $20.00 – doors open at 7:00 – all proceeds go toward Beaches Refugee Fund.
SUNDAY, APRIL 29th, 2018 - 7:30 - Toronto Beach Chorale in their 10th Anniversary season, present L. van Beethoven’s Fantasia for piano, choir and orchestra. Featuring a professional orchestra and four guest soloists. Kingston Road United Church - tickets $25:00 or $30:00 at the door (cash only)
America did not invent human rights. In a very real sense - human rights invented America. Jimmy Carter.
America had often been discovered before Columbus, but it had always been hushed up. Oscar Wilde
I want a kinder, gentler nation. George H. W. Bush
For a nation which has an almost evil reputation for bustle, bustle, bustle and rush, rush, rush, we spend an enormous amount of time standing around in line in front of windows, just waiting. Robert Benchley
When I am abroad, I always make it a rule never to criticize or attack the government of my own country. I make up for lost time when I come home. Winston Churchill
Immigration is the sincerest form of flattery. Jack Paar
A strong nation, like a strong person, can afford to be gentle, firm, thoughtful and restrained. It can afford to extend a helping hand to others. It’s a weak nation, like a weak person, that must behave with bluster and boasting and rashness and other signs of insecurity. Jimmy Carter
Have a good week - MB
April 6, 2018
FRIDAY, APRIL 6th, 2018 - “As you grow older you will discover that you have two hands. One for helping yourself and the other for helping others.” Audrey Hepburn
APRIL 1st, – APRIL 30th, 2018 - Registration dates for “Tree For Me” Toronto residents can obtain a free tree for their property. Sign up at:
SATURDAY, APRIL 7th, 2018 - “Tree of Life and Awesome Mystery” – Birchcliff Bluffs United Church, Warden & Kingston Road, - 7:30 – Easter season drama with art and music. $10:00
AND Annual Beaches Spring Sprint – 5k run/walk; 2k children’s run; 2k seniors walk. Info – 416-392-0740
SUNDAY, APRIL 8th, 2018 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading. We will celebrate Communion.
MISSION CAPSULES: Through Presbyterians Sharing … Kenora Fellowship Centre is nurturing, healing and reconciliation with Indigenous peoples. Also called Anamiewigummig, meaning “House of Prayer”, the centre provides sanctuary and hospitality for people marginalized and alienated by poverty and addiction. A weekly worship service held on Sunday afternoons often includes a sharing circle, drumming and the sharing of traditional foods. Through a drop-in centre, detoxification programs, street patrol and soup kitchen, each day the hardworking staff share God’s love as well as friendship, community and solidarity. This ministry represents a place of hope for healing and wholeness and serves as a model of Christian community for the wider church.
MONDAY, APRIL 9th, 2018 - Theology on Tap meets at Beacher Café. This week the group will gather if the books are in.
TUESDAY, APRIL 10th, 2018 - Beach and East Toronto Historical Society present Edythe Gerrard – The Elgin Winter Garden Theatre: The last of the Great Vaudeville Houses at Beaches Library – 7:00 – 8:15. Free admission.
SATURDAY, APRIL 28th, 2018 - 7:00 – Spring Thaw Concert – featuring Julian and the Band - Tickets available soon.
A good newspaper, I suppose, is a nation talking to itself. Arthur Miller
Objective journalism and an opinion column are about as similar as the Bible and Playboy magazine. Walter Cronkite
Accuracy is to a newspaper what virtue is to a lady, but a newspaper can always print a retraction. Adlai E. Stevenson
With the newspaper strike on, I wouldn’t consider dying. Bette Davis
I’m all in favour of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Let’s start with typewriters. Frank Lloyd Wright
We’ve uncovered some embarrassing ancestors in the not-too-distant past. Some horse thieves and some people killed on Saturday nights. One of my relatives, unfortunately, was even in the newspaper business. Jimmy Carter
Have a good week - MB
March 27, 2018
TUESDAY, MARCH 27th, 2018 - HOLY WEEK ….
THURSDAY, MARCH 29th, 2018 - MAUNDY THURSDAY – 6:00 – dinner followed by Tenebrae Service …
SUNDAY, APRIL 1st, 2018 - EASTER SUNDAY – 10:00 am - Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.
March 21, 2018
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21st, 2018 - “I don’t have time to worry about who doesn’t like me ----I am too busy loving the people who love me!” Charlie Brown
SUNDAY, MARCH 25th, 2018 - PALM SUNDAY – Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – this service is one of our Jazz Services with Julian Anderson-Bowes and the Band.
MISSION CAPSULES: Are you interested in learning about digital giving? Church renewal? Sharing your congregation’s story in inspiring ways? Moving forward with your church’s vision? The PCC webinars provide online learning opportunities that equip congregations on topics relating to leadership, renewal and stewardship. Each webinar is free, made possible by gifts to Presbyterians Sharing … It’s easy to register and participate. Each webinar is recorded and posted online for viewing at any time. To find out about upcoming webinars, visit
MONDAY, MARCH 26th, 2018 - Theology on Tap at The Beacher Café – We will begin to look at Take This Bread by Sara Miles and following that we will discuss Leaving Christianity by Stuart Macdonald and Brian Clarke. See you there.
THURSDAY, MARCH 29th, 2018 - Maundy Thursday pot luck dinner and Tenebrae service. Dinner is soup; bread; cheese; fruit. A sign up sheet was provided last Sunday for the dinner and for readers and people to do the “take down”. No one signed up so who knows what will happen and what we will eat, but this is a not to be missed service.
FRIDAY, MARCH 30th, 2018 - 10:00 am – Good Friday service
Also on Good Friday – 7:30 - Toronto Beach Chorale present Mozart’s Great Mass in C Minor at Kingston Road United Church – Tickets $30.00 at the door, or $25:00 from a choir member. Youth $15:00 at the door - $12.50 from a choir member. At the door cash only please.
AND - 3:00 – at Trinity St. Pauls United Church on Bloor west of Spadina. TSP Choir is singing along with the Viva Chamber Choir and the Oakville Choir for Children. Admission is free.
My grandfather once told me that there were two kinds of people: those who do the work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the first group; there was much less competition. -- Indira Gandhi
No man will make a great leader who wants to do it all himself or get all the credit for doing it. -- Andrew Carnegie
The leadership instinct you are born with is in the backbone. You develop the funny bone and the wishbone that go with it. -- Elaine Agather
We still think of a powerful man as a born leader and a powerful woman as an anomaly. -- Margaret Atwood
Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing. -- Albert Schweitzer
If you want creative workers, give them enough time to play. -- John Cleese
In fact, I wanted to be John Cleese and it took some time to realize the job was in fact taken. -- Douglas Adams
By working faithfully eight hours a day, you may get to be a boss and work twelve hours a day. -- Robert Frost
Have a good week - MB
March 15, 2018
THURSDAY, MARCH 15th, 2018 - “There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real.” Charlie Brown
SUNDAY, MARCH 18th, 2018 - Fifth Sunday of Lent – join us for morning worship at 10:00 - Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.
MISSION CAPSULES: Pursottam was driving his bus when he experienced a sudden, agonizing pain in his hand. The ache spread through his body and became so intense that he struggled to finish his route. When the pain did not relent, Pursottam spent his savings traveling to visit neurologists, but no doctor could provide a diagnosis. Meanwhile, Pursottam grew frightened and anxious about his ability to continue working. His prayers were answered the day he heard about the PWS&D supported hospital in the remote Banke district in Nepal. There he was diagnosed with leprosy and given effective medicine. Today, Pursottam’s health has been restored. “I am so happy to see him smile again,” shares his brother. “We finally found relief here at the Banke Hospital.”
MONDAY, MARCH 19th, 2018 - 7:30 - Theology on Tap, Beacher Café. We will be joined by Clayton Shirt a Traditional Wisdom Keeper. For his visit we will be going back to our books Buffalo Shout, Salmon Cry and The Inconvenient Indian by Tom King. He will use Tom King’s book as his starting point. March 26th we will begin to look at Take This Bread by Sara Miles and following that we will discuss Leaving Christianity by Stuart MacDonald and Brian Clarke. We will be able to receive discounts for each of the books with an order of ten or more.
THURSDAY, MARCH 29th, MAUNDY THURSDAY, POT LUCK DINNER AND WORSHIP. 6:00 - Our Annual dinner of soup; bread; cheese and salad.
GOOD FRIDAY CONCERTS: 7:30 – Kingston Road United Church - Toronto Beach Chorale present Mozart’s Great Mass in C Minor. TBC will welcome a guest choir (members of the MCS Chorus) a professional orchestra and four guest soloists – soprano Jennifer Kraffe, mezzo soprano Laura McAlpine, baritone Matthew Cassils and tenor Marcel van Helden in a performance of one of Mozart’s most powerful works. With its double choir, its magnificent and dramatic choruses, intimate and alternately ornate writing and scoring for large orchestral forces, the Mass in C Minor is unlike any sacred music of its time.
Tickets $25:00 ($30.00 at the door) Youth $12.50 ($15;00 at the door) cash only please.
3:00 – Trinity St. Pauls United Church, Bloor Street, west of Spadina. TSP Choir is singing along with the Viva Chamber Choir and the Oakville Choir for Children. They are singing some amazing and challenging music – the focus of our music is about the murdered and missing in Chile/Argentina and in Canada. They will be presenting James MacMillan’s Cantos Sagrados and excerpts from the Stabat Mater by Giovanni Pergolesi. The other piece of music is Cree Composer Andrew Balfour’s “Take the Indian: A vocal Reflection on Missing Children” about Indian Residential Schools. Andrew is the founder and Artistic Director of the Winnipeg vocal group Camerata Nova - Andrew will be in attendance. Along with Andrew, will be the Anishnaabe dancer Brian Solomon. Brian is from Shebahonaning near Killarney in Ontario. Also joining them will be Sue Croweagle. Sue is Blackfoot from Alberta and is well known as a teacher, singer and for her drum/songs.
Have a good week - MB
March 8, 2018
THURSDAY, MARCH 8th, 2018 - “Perhaps there are no stars in the sky but rather openings where our loved ones shine down to let us know they are happy.” Charlie Brown
SUNDAY, MARCH 11th, 2018 - Fourth Sunday of Lent - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading. We will celebrate Communion.
MISSION CAPSULES: Imagine what it would be like if each congregation in the Presbyterian Church in Canada was intentional about equipping their members to share their faith and to invite others to experience the fullness of life in Christ. Supported by gifts to Presbyterians Sharing … Canadian Ministries is spearheading a program to turn this dream into a reality. In October 2017, five congregational leaders from across the country gathered to learn more about evangelism and to begin crafting the first stages of projects to take back to their congregations. These leaders will be supported through one-on-one coaching as they begin their work in evangelism over the next year. This meeting between leaders is a first step towards developing a network that will support a culture of evangelism in local congregations across Canada.
MONDAY, MARCH 12th, 2018 - 7:30 - Theology on Tap WILL NOT BE MEETING – ENJOY THE NIGHT OFF!
SUNDAY, MARCH 25th, 2018 - Palm Sunday
MONDAY , MARCH 19th, 2018 - Theology on Tap, at the Beacher – We will be visited by Clayton Shirt a Traditional Wisdom Keeper. For his visit we will be going back to our books Buffalo Shout, Salmon Cry edited by Stephen Hendricks and The Inconvenient Indian by Tom King. He will use Tom King’s book as his starting point. March 26th we will begin to look at Take This Bread by Sara Miles and following that we will discuss Leaving Christianity by Stuart Macdonald and Brian Clarke. We will be able to receive discounts for each of the books with an order of ten or more. If you are interested please let Erin or M.J. know by March 12th for Take This Bread – for Leaving Christianity please let them know by March 19.
THURSDAY, MARCH 29th, 2018 - 6:00 - Maundy Thursday, pot luck dinner and worship. Homemade soup; fruit; cheese and bread.
FRIDAY, MARCH 30th, 2018 - Good Friday Service
FRIDAY, MARCH 30th, 2018 - Toronto Beach Chorale. Our 10th Anniversary season continues! Join us in the celebration. TBC and Artistic Director Mervin W.Fick welcome a guest choir (members of the MCS Chorus), a professional orchestra and four guest soloists – soprano Jennifer Krabbe, mezzo-soprano Laura McAlpine, baritone Matthew Cassils and tenor Marcel van Helden in a performance of one of Mozart’s most powerful works. With its double choir, its magnificent and dramatic choruses, intimate and alternately ornate writing for soloists (and) scoring for large orchestral forces … the Mass in C Minor is unlike any sacred music of its time. Kingston Road United Church - 7:30 pm - Ti ckets at the door, cash only or from a choir member. General admission $25:00 ($30:00 at the door) Youth 7-18 $12:50 ($15:00 at the door)
A conference is a gathering of important people who singly can do nothing, but together can decide that nothing can be done. Fred Allen
A Committee is a group that keep minutes and loses hours. Milton Berle
Any change is resisted because bureaucrats have a vested interest in the chaos in which they exist. Richard M. Nixon
Bureaucracy defends the status quo long past the time when the quo has lost its status. Laurence J. Peter
The question “who ought to be boss?” is like asking, “who ought to be the tenor in the quartet?” Obviously the person who can sing tenor. Henry Ford
I am certainly not one of those who need to be prodded. In fact, if anything, I am the prod. Winston Churchill
I am looking for a lot of men who have an infinite capacity to know what can’t be done. Henry Ford
It is very hard to be a female leader. While it is assumed that any man, no matter how tough, has a soft side …. A female leader is assumed to be one-dimensional. Billie Jean King
Have a good week - MB
March 1, 2018
THURSDAY, MARCH 1st, 2018 - Definition of a friend: “someone who says nice things about you when you are not around.” Charlie Brown
SUNDAY, MARCH 4th, 2018 - Third Sunday of Lent - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.
MISSION CAPSULE: As we celebrate the achievements of women this International Women’s Day, let us also reflect on the need to continue working for futures of hope and opportunity for women and girls around the world. In many countries, women do not have access to education for fair credit. They don’t have control over decisions made about their health and well-being. Too often, this inequality prevents women from making a positive difference in their lives and empowering their families and communities. PWS&D is helping women claim their rights, access vital healthcare, learn about nutrition, develop vocational skills and achieve economic independence. Women’s empowerment is critical to challenging poverty and building a more sustainable world.
MONDAY, MARCH 5th, 2018 - 7:30 - Theology on Tap at the Beacher Café continues. All welcome.
A desk is a dangerous place from which to watch the world. John le Carre
All I’ve ever wanted was an honest week’s pay for an honest day’s work. Steve Martin
The two most beautiful words in the English language are “cheque enclosed”. Dorothy Parker
Farming looks mighty easy when your plow is a pencil and you’re a thousand miles from the corn field. Dwight D. Eisenhower
Carpe per diem - seize the cheque. Robin Williams
I am a friend of the working man and I would rather be his friend, than be one. Clarence Darrow
I work until beer o’clock. Stephen King
Have a good week - MB
February 14, 2018
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14th, 2018 -- You may feel lost and alone but God knows exactly where you are and He has a good plan for your life. Charlie Brown
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14th, 2018 - It’s Lent!! We begin the journey. Join us this evening at 7:30 for a service of prayer and reflection. Bring your Valentine, bring your mother!
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 18th, 2018 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.
MISSION CAPSULES: In the community where Clara lives in rural Guatemala, many people believe that women can’t be strong leaders. As a result, Clara once lacked confidence in her abilities. This all changed when she participated in PWS&D supported workshops designed to strengthen women’s voices at home and in the community. Clara now works as a treasurer and health commissioner with organizations that are making her community a better place to live. While fulfilling her passion for leadership, Clara is paving the way for future generations of women to help build more prosperous, just communities. “We are highly grateful to PWS&D for supporting us in order to significantly change the hard reality of oppression and marginalization that exists.”
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19th, 2018 - Community Skate with MPP Arthur Potts at Ted Reeve Arena 11:00 – 1:00 – hot chocolate and light snacks. All are welcome
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23rd, 2018 - 7:30 - Music on Main – Calvary Baptist Church, Main & Benlamond. $15:00 – featuring East York Barbershoppers with a modern twist AND Scarborough Music Lovers Band/Big Band Sound. Yummy desserts
If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I would spend six hours sharpening my ax.
Abraham Lincoln
I’m not a lawyer. I have many other faults but that is not one of them.
Ed Broadbent
I have always believed that if you put in the work, the results will come. I don’t do things half-heartedly. Because I know if I do, then I can expect half-hearted results.
Michael Jordan
I don’t wait for moods. You accomplish nothing if you do that. Your mind must know it has got to get down to work.
Pearl S. Buck
If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
You can’t fake quality any more than you can fake a good meal.
William S. Burroughs
Have a good week – I will, I will be in the Dominican Republic MB
February 9, 2018
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9th, 2018 - I love the kind of hugs where you can physically feel the sadness leaving your body. Charlie Brown
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10th, 2018 - 8:00 - Will you be my Valentine? An evening of jazz, featuring Alex Samaras and Robin Dann accompanied by Colleen Allen & Friends - $25:00 – Kingston Road United Church.
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 11th, 2018 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading. We will celebrate communion.
Annual Congregational Meeting to follow worship – bring your Annual Reports with you and perhaps a sandwich and indoor shoes.
MISSION MOMENTS: Like those who witnessed Jesus feeding the five thousand, members of the Northern New Brunswick Regional Ministry have experienced a miracle of abundance. The four separate congregations were each struggling in their own way until they came together to grow as one. Through Presbyterians Sharing … these partners in ministry are now sharing their gifts in ways that enhance, inspire and build their communities. One of the congregations with established gifts in youth ministry recently sent a youth team to another ministry in the region to help them run a Vacation Bible School. What started out as a kind gesture ending up inspiring new leadership and sparking a whole new children’s ministry where there was none before. This is just one example of how these congregations, through gifts to Presbyterians Sharing … are growing together to share God’s love.
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12th, 2018 - Theology on Tap - Beacher Café – 7:30
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13th, 2018 - Shrove Tuesday – check out the many Pancake suppers are the various churches in our area. Not Beaches!!
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14th, 2018 - Ash Wednesday Service - 7:30 - We begin our journey into Lent.
Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. Scott Adams
Creativity is a drug I cannot live without. Cecil B. DeMille
You do things when the opportunities come along. I’ve had periods in my life when I’ve had a bundle of ideas come along, and I’ve had long dry spells. If I get an idea next week, I’ll do something. If not, I won’t do a damn thing.!! Warren Buffett.
Of all the useless things a person can do, limerick writing is right up there with golf and fishing. Garrison Keillor
The key is to figure out what you want out of life, not what you want out of your career. Goldie Hawn
Being on a tightrope is living; everything else is waiting. Karl Wallenda
One thing life has taught me: If you are interested, you never have to look for new interests. They come to you. When you are genuinely interested in one thing, it will always lead to something else. Eleanor Roosevelt
The way to get started is to quit talking and being doing. Walt Disney
Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs. Henry Ford
Give me a stock clerk with a goal and I’ll give you a man who will make history. Give me a man with no goals and I’ll give you a stock clerk. J.C.Penney
Have a good week MB
February 1, 2018
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1st, 2018 - “As we grow up, we realize it is less important to have lots of friends and more important to have real ones.” Charlie Brown
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd, 2018 - Giant Book Sale at Kingston Road United Church – 11:00 – 3:00. Muffins, tea and coffee will also be sold.
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd, 2018 - Jazz & Reflections at Beach United. – 4:30 – 5:15 – featuring Paul Novotny, Bass and Robi Botos, piano. With the music of Oscar Peterson and Ray Brown
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 4th, 2018 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.
MISSION CAPSULES: Today, 800 million people worldwide go to bed with an empty stomach. The majority of the world’s hungry people are subsistence farmers. These farmers struggle to cultivate plentiful harvests in the midst of a changing climate, which brings unpredictable and extreme weather events that devastate crops. The Canadian Foodgrains Bank’s Climate Fund is a way for Canadian’s to respond to families impacted by climate change. This year, donations to the Climate Fund will support PWS&D’s agro-ecological and food security project in Guatemala. The project has been transformative for Catalina, a farmer who received support to adapt to climate change, grow more vegetables and improve her family’s nutrition. “I am grateful that we can see another way to live a healthy life.”
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5th, 2018 - Dr. Aileen Burford-Mason will speak on The Healthy Brain: How Diet and Supplements Can Help Optimize Brain Power at any Age. Fallingbrook Presbyterian - 7:00 pm - $20.00 cash at the door. RSVP in advance 416-699-3084
AND - Theology on Tap – 7:30 – Beacher Café – “Theologians under Hitler” by Robert P. Erikson. If you wish to order the book speak to M.J. or Erin.
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 11th, 2018 - Annual Meeting – bring your copy of the annual report with you.
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14th, 2018 - Ash Wednesday Service – 7:30
Start every day off with a smile and get it over with. W.C. Fields
Let a smile be your umbrella, and you’ll end up with a face full of rain. George Carlin
Bad taste is simply saying the truth before it should be said. Mel Brooks
No good deed goes unpunished. Clare Booth Luce
Man invented language to satisfy his deep need to complain. Lily Tomlin
Have a good week - MB
January 26, 2018
FRIDAY, JANUARY 26th, 2018 - “A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything.” Charlie Brown
SATURDAY, JANUARY 27th, 2018 - Community Center 55 - Winter Carnival at Kimberley Public School Gym, Main and Swanwick, - 10:00 – 2:00 – Crafts and activities; bake sale; bouncy castle; Barbecue – info – 416-691-1113
SUNDAY, JANUARY 28th, 2018 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.
MISSION CAPSULE: Effective mission partnership is a covenant relationship between people who are striving to bring about God’s realm of justice and peace. In 2017, gifts to Presbyterians Sharing … provided some of the PCC’s international partners with 30 grants totaling $320,000. These grants supported Bible translations in Nigeria and Mauritius; women’s pastoral programs in Guatemala; biblical theological and pastoral training in Mauritius and Guatemala; theological seminaries in Lebanon; Malawi and Romania; lay training centers in Ghana and Malawi and medical centers in India. Mission and vital world-wide ministry partnerships that put people first, happen because of the faithful generosity of Presbyterians across Canada. Gifts to Presbyterians Sharing … allow our church to be with those on the margins and change lives around the world.
MONDAY, JANUARY 29th, 2018 - Theology on Tap – meets at The Beacher Café, Queen & MacLean at 7:30
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd, 2018 - Jazz and Reflections at Beach United – 4:30 – 5:15 – featuring Paul Novotny, Bass and Robi Botos, piano – with the music of Oscar Peterson and Ray Brown.
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5th, 2018 - 7:00 – Fallingbrook Presbyterian. Dr. Aileen Burford-Mason presents “The Healthy Brain: How Diet and Supplements can help optimize brain power at any age. $20:00 – to reserve
Fear defeats more people than any other one thing in the world. Ralph Waldo Emerson
Fear is a disease that eats away at logic and makes man inhuman. Marian Anderson
I’m really a timid person - I was beaten up by Quakers. Woody Allen
Talk to a man about himself, and he will listen for hours. Benjamin Disraeli
A bore is a fellow who opens his mouth and puts his feats in it. Henry Ford
People always call it luck when you’ve acted more sensibly than they have. Anne Tyler
The cynic knows the price of everything and the value of nothing, Oscar Wilde
Have a good week - MB
January 18, 2018
THURSDAY, JANUARY 18th, 2018 - “Worrying won’t stop the bad stuff from happening, it just stops you from enjoying the good.” Charlie Brown
SUNDAY, JANUARY 21st, 2018 - Join us for morning worship, Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.
MISSION CAPSULE: “I hope more people like me will be helped by this clinic.” While working at her tailoring shop in Nepal, Sita noticed her hands were starting to feel numb and looked strangely dry as the numbness worsened. Sita grew very sick and weak. Unfortunately, the doctors were unable to diagnose her illness. The future looked a little brighter when Sita learned she was pregnant and eventually delivered a healthy baby girl … but the onset of a severe fever shortly after shattered her fragile hope. Sita tried one last hospital where she was diagnosed with leprosy and was referred to the PWS&D supported Banke Clinic for treatment. There a hopeful journey of recovery got it’s start. “I am getting good treatment, nutritious food and care from the staff” Reports Sita.
MONDAY, JANUARY 22nd, 2018 - Theology on Tap will meet at The Beacher. This will be the last night of study for our current book – Have a Little Faith, by Mitch Albom. Our next book will be – “Theologians Under Hitler” by Robert P. Erikson. Anyone interested in ordering a copy, speak to Erin or M.J.
SATURDAY, JANUARY 27th, 2018 - 5:30 - Robbie Burns Supper & Ceilidh – Our annual fun evening with three course Roast Beef Dinner, Haggis (if you wish), toasts, entertainment – piper, dancers, dancing and song. RSVP “Burns Night” at $35.00 Fallingbrook Presbyterian Church
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5th, 2018 - Healthy Brain Seminar - 7:00 - $20.00 per person, cash only. Dr. Aileen Burford-Mason, author of THE HEALTHY BRAIN AND EAT WELL AGE BETTER will speak about The Healthy Brain and how diet and supplements can help optimize brain power at any age. Reserve your seat at
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 11th, 2018 - Beaches Annual Meeting – after worship. Reports MUST be in by Tuesday, January 23rd to be included in the annual report.
That’s all folks - Mel Blanc
I had a lover’s quarrel with the world - Robert Frost
She did it the hard way - Bette Davis
And away we go - Jackie Gleason
A star on earth – a star in heaven - Karen Carpenter
Everybody loves somebody sometime - Dean Martin
Here lies the body of Jonathan Blake. Stepped on the gas instead of the brake. Jonathan Blake
Good friend, for Jesus’ sake forbear, To dig the dust enclosed here, Blest be the man that spares these stones, but cursed be he that moves my bones. William Shakespeare
Have a good week - MB
January 11, 2018
THURSDAY, JANUARY 11th, 2018 - But it isn’t easy, said Pooh, because poetry and hums aren’t things which you get, they’re things which get you. And all you can do is to go where they find you.
SUNDAY, JANUARY 14th, 2018 - Join us for morning worship at 10:00 – Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading …. we will celebrate communion. PLEASE bring a pair of indoor shoes or slippers to wear in the sanctuary …….
Presbyterians Sharing … is helping to transform the lives of people in Montreal’s Little Burgundy neighbourhood. The statistics for Little Burgundy are grim: 2/3rds of children and youth live below the poverty line and 32% of students drop out before finishing high school. But Tyndale’s St. George’s employment center is helping provide community members with the tools they need to realize their dreams at every life stage. Tyndale’s employment programs not only teach job search techniques but also build self esteem and life skills. Jane shares, “I came to Tyndale during the lowest time in my life and I decided to give it a shot - I was looking for something to bring back my self confidence that would enable me to go back to the workplace. Tyndale delivered exactly what I was looking for and now I am strong, I’m back again and I am ready to go back to work.”
MONDAY, JANUARY 15th, 2018 - Theology on Tap resumes at 7:30 at The Beacher Café. The Book is Have a Little Faith by Mitch Albom
TUESDAY, JANUARY 23rd, 2018 - ALL reports are due for the Annual Report – today is the last day. Please send in Word to
SATURDAY, JANUARY 27th, 2018 - Robbie Burns Supper & Ceilidh – 5:30 - $35.00 per person. RSVP “Burns Night” at This is our traditional fun evening with three course Roast Beef Dinner, Haggis (if you wish) toasts, entertainment, piper, dancers, dancing and song!
I didn’t really say everything I said! Yogi Berra
It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt. Mark Twain
I have never met a man so ignorant that I couldn’t learn something from him. Galileo
Few people think more than two or three times a year; I have made an international reputation for myself by thinking once or twice a week. George Bernard Shaw
Most human beings have an almost infinite capacity for taking things for granted. Aldous Huxley
I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me. Noel Coward
The person who does not enjoy his own company is usually right. Coco Chanel
Have a good week - MB
January 4, 2018
THURSDAY, JANUARY 4th, 2018 - One of the advantages of being disorganized is that one is always having surprising discoveries. Pooh
SUNDAY, JANUARY 7th, 2018 - Join us for morning worship, Rev. Katherine McCloskey leading.
MISSION CAPSULE: Who better to learn new farming methods from a farmer in your community? Through PWS&D supported farmer-to-farmer agroecology project in Malawi, farmers selected for training are able to share their agricultural knowledge with other farmers in their village. Techniques like composting and intercropping are helping women and men transform plots of land into thriving sources of nourishment. Since learning to plant groundnuts and pigeon peas together, on one plot of land, farmer Abel has seen his soil’s fertility improve and his yields double. He and his wife Mercy are incorporating the food they grow into new recipes. “Life has greatly changed for us”, says Abel
MONDAY, JANUARY 15th, 2018 - Theology on Tap, at The Beacher Café – the book is “Have a Little Faith” by Mitch Albom.
SATURDAY, JANUARY 27th, 2018 - 5:30 - Robbie Burns Supper and Ceilidh. - $35:00 per person. Our traditional fun evening with a three course Roast Beef Dinner, Haggis (if you wish), toasts, entertainment – piper, dancers, dancing and song! RSVP “Burns Night at
ANNUAL REPORTS FOR 2017 are due no later than Tuesday, January 23rd. Please email your reports in Word to
The Annual Meeting will be held Sunday, February 11th, 2018.
I never deny; I never contradict; I sometimes forget. Benjamin Disraeli
When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. Arthur Conan Doyle
There are a terrible lot of lies going around the world, and the worst of it is half of them are true. Winston Churchill
A truth that’s told with bad intent, beats all the lies you can invent. William Blake
The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple. Oscar Wilde
It is discouraging how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit. Noel Coward